2015 Prescribed burning information Eyre Peninsula

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As part of the Spring Prescribed Burn Program, a number of burns have been planned around Eyre Peninsula by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR). Burns are planned for Lincoln National Park, Lincoln Basin Crown Land south of Port Lincoln, Ironstone Hill Conservation Park, Hincks Wilderness protection area, Coffin Bay National Park and Kellidie Bay Conservation Park.

As part of the Spring Prescribed Burn Program, a number of burns have been planned around Eyre Peninsula by the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR).
Burns are planned for Lincoln National Park, Lincoln Basin Crown Land south of Port Lincoln, Ironstone Hill Conservation Park, Hincks Wilderness protection area, Coffin Bay National Park and Kellidie Bay Conservation Park.
Any burns that have not been able to be implemented will be rolled over into the autumn burn program.
DEWNR’s Fire Management Officer, Joe Tilley says the program will commence as soon as the weather is suitable.
“The planned fires are to create fuel-reduced areas to limit the spread of bushfires in strategic areas,” he said.
“While these burns help, it is important that individuals also under take measures on their own properties so that collectively we can make a difference in reducing the impact of bushfires.”
The burns will be carried out by DEWNR and the South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS), working together to plan the operations and the resources required.
“The community is advised that many of these burns can create a significant smoke column, this is normal for burns of this size in Mallee,” Mr Tilley said.
A list of planned burns will be available on the DEWNR website, at www.environment.sa.gov.au/firemanagement/Burns_and_bushfires
Prescribed burns will only be carried out when it is deemed safe to do so and may be cancelled at short notice. Fire crews will remain on site until safe to leave.
For more information on the prescribed burn program please contact Joe Tilley on 8688 3111.

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