Lincoln National Park closed to new visitors

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Lincoln National Park on Eyre Peninsula has been closed to new visitors while the South Australian Country Fire Service and Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (DEWNR) work to bring a fire within the park under control.

DEWNR State Fire Manager Shane Wiseman said the park would remain closed until at least midnight on Tuesday to new visitors, and visitors currently within the park are being advised of the situation and told to either leave by early tomorrow morning or remain where they are until the fire is contained.

Reopening the park to visitors will be further assessed tomorrow.

Mr Wiseman said visitors within the park are not currently at risk, however that could change over coming days and conditions will continually be assessed.

The main entry road to the park is closed to new visitors, and the Sleaford Wanna Track within the park is closed to all members of the public.

Information on park closures can be found at the National Parks South Australia website.

More information about the fire danger ratings is available at

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