Update: draft Water Allocation Plan for the Southern Basins and the Musgrave Prescribed Wells Areas

News article |

The Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board is expecting to provide the draft Water Allocation Plan (WAP) for the Southern Basins and the Musgrave Prescribed Wells Areas to the Minister for consideration in late 2015.

Media Statement

The new Plan provides a better understanding of the prescribed groundwater resources and will enable improved management for environmental, economic and social needs.

In preparing the draft WAP the Board has drawn on significant new research, policy development and held lengthy consultation with the community.

The Board received a total of 22 written submissions from 19 entities and are currently in the process of compiling the submissions and considering amendments required to the draft Plan.

The submissions included a total of 269 individual comments which have required careful consideration and resulted in over 80 individual proposed amendments to the Plan, which also included some additional modelling of scenarios for Uley South.

This has been a significant body of work, the efforts warranted due to the critical importance of this Plan to the region.

Public consultation included over 70 community members attending independently facilitated stakeholder meetings and/or public open house forums in Port Lincoln and Elliston, along with several separate key stakeholders groups and individuals meetings.

The Board continues to follow the time-frame and process outlined to community as part of the stakeholder meetings.

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