Update: EPNRMB Business Plan

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A report outlining public feedback and recommendations from the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board’s (the Board) Draft Business Plan 2016-19, which included a proposed NRM levy changes for Eyre Peninsula, was given to the Board on Tuesday 23 February, 2016.

Statement from EPNRMB Presiding Member Diana Laube.

A report outlining public feedback and recommendations from the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board’s (the Board) Draft Business Plan 2016-19, which included a proposed NRM levy change for Eyre Peninsula, was given to the Board on Tuesday 23 February, 2016.

The Boards’ Presiding Member Diana Laube said an important finding from Local Government component of the consultation was that most Local Governments would not have adequate time to implement changes to their information technology systems, to provide accurate land use data needed to support the implementation of the proposed levy change to the basis of the regional NRM levy.

The Board has proposed to allow a one year transition to the new basis for the regional NRM levy said Ms Laube. What this means is in 2016-17 the Board proposes retaining a fixed charge of the same amount on all rateable land for the financial year.

The Board resolved to apply a ‘shared responsibility’ principle, in which all ratepayers’ pay the same amount to meet budget pressures resulting in the regional NRM levy increasing from $65.00 in 2015/2016 to $79.20 in 2016/2017 for all rateable properties.

From 2017-18 and onwards - the regional NRM levy will be generated through applying different fixed charges depending on the purpose for which the rateable land is being used ranging from approximately $72 for residential, $108 for commercial/industrial, through to $145 for primary production.This proposed changed basis for calculating the levy would apply to all Local Government areas within the Eyre Peninsula (excluding Outside Council Areas, that will continue with a fixed charge).

The Board has undertaken a social and economic impact assessment of the changes to the levy. The Business Plan has now been referred to the Minister.

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