Sea-coast discovery

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The Tunarama activity for children ‘Sea Country Craft – Beach Detective’ at the end of January will turn the Port Lincoln foreshore into a science treasure hunt and cultural art experience all at once.

Hosted by Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula and the Port Lincoln Barngarla Aboriginal Community, the event will allow kids to experience beach creatures up close and learn about Barngarla culture.

Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula Marine Parks Regional Coordinator Shelley Paull said Natural Resources staff will work with Emmalene Richards and family, who are descendants of the Port Lincoln Barngarla Aboriginal Community, to run the event.

“We’re excited to invite kids to turn the beach into a live discovery session and outdoor art-craft studio,” Shelly said.

“Each child will receive a take home pack about Barngarla culture, beach critters information and some marine green-living tips to help amazing animals like nudibranchs (an elaborately coloured marine slug) and leafy sea dragons survive.”

The ‘Sea Country Craft – Beach Detective’ event will be held on Friday 27 January at 1pm with activities starting from the Children’s Tipi at Tunarama.

The free event is most suited to 5 – 12 year olds, and bookings are open now. All children must be accompanied by a responsible guardian.

For further information call (08) 8688 3111. To book visit:

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