New Regional Natural Resources Plan for Eyre Peninsula

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After three years extensive engagement with the Eyre Peninsula community, the regional Natural Resources Management (NRM) plan has been endorsed by the Environment Minister.

Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula Presiding Member Diana Laube said the plan builds on the 2009 NRM plan but the vision remains the same – to manage the region’s natural resources to support ecological sustainability, vibrant communities and thriving enterprises in a changing climate.

“The plan provides an enduring direction for the Eyre Peninsula, and I look forward to working with the local community to achieve it,” Ms Laube said.

The regional NRM plan is comprised of two documents, the strategic plan and the business plan.

The strategic plan sets the direction for businesses, organisations, communities and landholders to work together for NRM outcomes during the next decade, while the business plan outlines three years of investment in the Board’s programs and projects.

“The Board used a participatory approach to develop the regional NRM plan, which enabled us to discuss issues and places of importance with local communities, organisations and businesses. This approach has built our shared understanding, broadened our perspectives and allowed us to capture a fair representation of the region’s interests and values. The strategic plan is centred on the triple bottom line - focusing on our outdoor lifestyles, our productive livelihoods, and our beautiful landscapes that we call home. Integrating and balancing these interests will remain at the forefront of the Board’s decision-making.”

Nestled within the strategic plan document are five sub-regional descriptions that are aimed at reflecting the lifestyle, livelihoods and landscapes of communities and the challenges and opportunities they are facing. The plan also includes a revised policy framework that covers regulatory functions such as pest plant and animal control, land management and water-affecting activities in the region.

“For those of you who participated in the many workshops held in the region over the past three years or offered your thoughts through our consultation process, I appreciate the time and consideration you provided. Natural resources management is a shared responsibility and we all have a role to play. Our approach should lay the foundations for future projects and partnerships that will benefit the region in the short and long term. We look forward to ongoing discussions with the community as we meet the challenges ahead.”

The regional NRM plan can be downloaded from the Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula Website.

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