Grants awarded to agriculture innovators

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Ten groups on Eyre Peninsula have been funded $36,100 through the Managing Practice Change in Agriculture Grants, provided by the Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula Sustainable Agriculture program.

Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board Presiding Member Diana Laube announced the grants today, enabling local groups to initiate community-driven changes in agricultural practice.

“Eyre Peninsula farmers have always been innovators and the Board sees this funding as a way of backing local leaders, start-ups and small trials that have potential to evolve into whole of community changes.

“With funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme, the Board continues to work with agricultural industry groups and organisations to deliver regional outcomes that include farming practice change across Eyre Peninsula,” Ms Laube said.

Charra and Goode Agriculture Bureaus on Western Eyre Peninsula were two of the successful groups. They will collaborate in hands-on workshops and soil pit days, learning about how to interpret soil tests and issues associated with farming these soils. With this knowledge farmers will be able to improve their capacity to make better management decisions to maintain and improve the long term productive capacity and health of their soils.

Sustainable Farming Project Officer Mary Crawford said the grants include opportunities for farming women, such as supporting women to attend the annual PinG conference.

“Eastern Eyre Partners in Grain (PinG) has received funding to hold run ‘Eyre Peninsula Sheep Sheilas’ workshops,” Mary said.

Other funded projects are about reducing insecticides by understanding beneficial bugs, using precision agriculture tools, evaluating the use of cover crops, and ram selection.

For further information contact Sustainable Farming Project Officer Mary Crawford on 8688 3074 or 0407 187 878.

List of successful recipients 2017-18 funding round

Charra and Goode Agriculture Bureau – Understanding soil test results: More than just fertiliser decisions

Crossville Agriculture Bureau – Reducing insecticides to control pests and looking at the beneficial bugs across broad areas of paddocks.

Eastern Eyre Peninsula Partners in Grain – Eyre Peninsula Sheep Sheilas

Lower Eyre Agricultural Development Association (LEADA)

• Revaluation of crop cover farming systems

• Demonstrating best practice knowledge transfer on lower Eyre Peninsula

• LEADA Spring field walk

Partners in Grain (PinG)

• Ram Selection Workshop

• Thriving Women 2018 conference

Society of Precision Agriculture Australia – Your Farm: Your capabilities: Supporting farmers to maximise the benefits of using Precision Agriculture tools and Technologies.

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