Hard setting soils - funding available to address sub-soil constraints

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The Eyre Peninsula NRM Board is calling for funding applications from farming groups on the Eyre Peninsula to trial approaches to address sub-soil constraints such as low pH levels at depth, and hard pans limiting root growth.

Funded from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, farming groups are invited to submit an ‘Expression of Interest ‘ in implementing paddock-based demonstrations to improve soil organic matter and reduce sub-soil constraints with up to $7,000 available to set up and implement the demonstration site in the first year of the project, and up to an additional $1,000 for the following two to three years of the trial.

In cases where soil characteristics are diminishing yield potential intervention can improve soil productivity and the 'Soil carbon demonstration grants' are the perfect time to put your ideas into action.

Regenerative Agriculture Officer Sarah Voumard said soil can limit or enhance the chance of growing a healthy crop or pasture.

“I’m particularly interested in improving farms soil so we can increase the likelihood for higher yields to be returned. No matter where you are on Eyre Peninsula please feel free to give me a call arrange a time for a site visit and to discuss your application,” Sarah said.

Expressions of Interest applications open on Monday 2 September 2019 and close Friday 20 November 2019.

Projects should commence prior to seeding in 2020. Expression of Interest application forms and guidelines can be downloaded from the Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula website.

For further information, or to request a copy of the application form by post, please call (08) 8688 3111 or visit: www.landscape.sa.gov.au/ep/get-involved/grants-and-funding

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