Upcoming Eastern Eyre Peninsula Fox Baiting Days

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During February and March land owners can collect free fox baits and discuss property baiting programs at Eastern Eyre Peninsula’s fox group baiting days. The fox group baiting days offer free fox baits for eligible land owners and are an opportunity to discuss fox bait strategically with neighbouring land managers.

March 2017

During February and March land owners can collect free fox baits and discuss property baiting programs at Eastern Eyre Peninsula’s fox group baiting days.

The fox group baiting days offer free fox baits for eligible land owners and are an opportunity to discuss fox bait strategically with neighbouring land managers.

Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Officer Corey Yeates says that it’s important for land managers to work strategically with neighbours to conduct fox baiting at the same time.

“Land managers bait for a variety of reasons including reducing predation on livestock, especially during lambing, as a good neighbour policy, or to protect native wildlife such as birds and reptiles on their property.

“Research has indicated that land owners who worked with neighbours in a group fox baiting program are able to increase lambing percentages by up to 20 per cent and those that baited twice a year, prior to lambing, had the greatest increase in lambing percentages.

“Last year Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula distributed over 10,000 fox baits to land managers across the region to reduce the local fox population.”

Upcoming fox group baiting days for Eastern Eyre Peninsula:

  • Buckleboo, Thursday 23/02/2017 at 9.00am Buckleboo Oval, Darren Hunt
  • Waddikee, Friday 24/02/2017 at 9.00am Waddikee Oval, Brian Can
  • Yadnarie, Monday 27/02/2017 at 9.30am, Tanya Beinke’s farm house, Tanya Beinke
  • Coolanie/Glynn, Tuesday 28/02/17 at 9.30am, Jack Curtis’s farm house, Jack Curtis
  • Kelly, Tuesday 28/02/2017 at 9.30am, Kelly Hall, Marcus & Deanna Kassebaum
  • Darke Peak, Wednesday 1/03/2017 at 9.30am, Darke Peak Silos, Barney Jones
  • Tuckey/Rudall, Thursday 2/03/2017 at 9.30am, Alsbra Park car park,
  • Mangalo, Monday 6/03/2017 at 9.30am, Mangalo Hall, Paul Briese
  • Elbow Hill, Tuesday 7/03/2017 at 9.30am, Williams Shearing Shed, Greg Williams
  • Wharminda, Wednesday 8/03/2017 at 9.30am, Wharminda Hall, Jeff Jones
  • Arno Bay, Thursday 9/03/2017 at 9.30 am, Baldy Calliss Farm house, Jeremy Calliss

To collect fox bait bring a bucket with a sealed lid. Dried roo meat baits will be limited depending on land owner’s previous usage.

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