The Eyre Peninsula welcomes a new Regenerative Agriculture Officer

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Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula welcomes Regenerative Agriculture Officer Sarah Voumard to the team. Sarah will assist in delivering the Regenerative Agriculture Program which has been funded through the Australian Government National Landcare Program.

Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula welcomes Regenerative Agriculture officer Ms Sarah Voumard to assist with the Regenerative Agriculture Program, funded through the Australian Government National Landcare program.

Ms Voumard’s passions and strengths are working with landholders to create effective environmental and livestock management outcomes as well as connecting landholders with each other, to support networks and linking community groups together.

“Regenerative agriculture is about rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity to increase agricultural production in unison with managing the environment,” Ms Voumard said.

“Having grown up on a farming property north of Jamestown I know how important the marriage between production and environmental management is. My role on the EP can help landholders achieve this marriage successfully and to create positive outcomes for not only their production but also enhance ecosystem services.

“I enjoy learning from other people’s experiences, hearing their stories, sharing their knowledge and being able to connect tried and tested new practices with someone who is open to have a go.

“There are landholders across the EP who are going through similar struggles. By sharing our knowledge, and working through our issues together we can help to achieve more positive outcomes. There are resources available across the EP to support landholders and my role is connecting these landholders to the resources that they require.”

Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula assist with many agricultural projects and workshops throughout the year. There is currently an ongoing mixed species pasture cropping trial that we encourage landholders to contact us about.

If you are interested in this trial, or if you would like more information on sustainable or regenerative agriculture, please contact Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula on ph 08 8688 3111 or visit

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