Coastal Saltmarsh Appreciated

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Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula in conjunction with Peri Coleman from Delta Environmental Consulting are raising the profile of Nationally Threatened Temperate Coastal Saltmarsh by hosting a series of talks held in Whyalla, Cowell and Kellidie Bay.

CANCELLED - Due to the risk posed by COVID-19

The public presentations, which were to be held in Whyalla, Cowell and Kellidie Bay, had to be cancelled due to Covid19 restrictions. However, here are a series of engaging talks by saltmarsh expert Peri Coleman from Delta Environmental Consulting.

Eastern Eyre Peninsula

Blue carbon in our saltmarshes (for the Cowell Area School, 8.09mins)

Saltmarshes and saline wetlands: Learning about them, caring about them (for the public meetings hosted by Council, at Whyalla and Cowell, 19.44mins)

Southern Eyre Peninsula

Saltmarsh restoration: What have we learnt? (34.19mins)

Connections: Saltmarshes joining the land and the sea (11.37mins)

Tipping point for saltmarshes: Scramble for the high ground (22.54mins)


The series of highly engaging public presentations are aimed at community decision makers, coastal ambassadors, teachers, bird groups and interested public.

Natural Resources Education Officer Barbara Murphy said saltmarsh habitats are a vital part of the Eyre Peninsula’s ecology, they protect our shorelines, act as blue-carbon sinks, and are important fish nursery and bird habitat.

“Here on the Eyre Peninsula we host a third of the South Australia’s intertidal saltmarsh habitats which are of high conservation value and great risk of degradation particularly around developed and highly visited coastal areas,” Ms. Murphy said.

The saltmarsh talks are part of the Saltmarsh Threat Abatement and Recovery project funded by the Australian Government’s Regional National Landcare Program. The project started in 2019 and runs until 2023 across the Eyre Peninsula and focuses on Nationally Threatened Temperate Saltmarshes and the Hooded Plover – one of Australia’s top 20 threatened fauna species.

We invite you to come along to learn how saltmarshes protect coasts, sequester carbon from the atmosphere, and act as fish nurseries and biodiversity hotspots.

Presenter Peri Coleman is a renowned environmental educator and saltmarsh specialist.

“Saltmarshes are simply amazing, they are unrivalled at sequestering carbon away from the atmosphere, and assist in protecting our shorelines for the effects of sea level rise,” Ms. Coleman said.

“These talks are an opportunity not to be missed for anyone who wants to learn more about saltmarshes and how they can protect these high-valued ecosystems,” Ms. Murphy said.

Talks will be held in Whyalla 17 March at 3pm, Cowell 18 March at 3pm, and Kellidie Bay 25 March at 1pm.

Bookings are essential via Eventbrite. For further information call Barbara Murphy on 0427 188 546 or visit

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