Drilling Groundwater Monitoring Wells on the Eyre Peninsula

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The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) is planning the drilling of 23 new wells to monitor groundwater on the Eyre Peninsula this June and July.

The new wells will monitor the Polda and Bramfield groundwater resources of the Musgrave Prescribed Wells Area and construction will commence in June 2020.

Neil Power, Director Water Science and Monitoring, said these wells will replace 23 monitoring wells (drilled in the 1960s to 1980s) that are being decommissioned as they have reached the end of their service life.

“These new monitoring wells will add to our ability to monitor salinity trends and will also increase our understanding of the relationship between the fresher Quaternary Limestone aquifer and the brackish Tertiary Sand aquifer,” Mr. Power said.

DEW is the lead agency for water resources management in South Australia and undertakes regular monitoring of the prescribed groundwater resources. The Department uses the water monitoring information to better understand the quantity, quality, location, trends and condition of our water resources.

For further information contact us at Groundwater@sa.gov.au or visit http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/managing-natural-resources/water-resources/monitoring/about/groundwater-monitoring.

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