Kimba wildfire-affected vegetation breaks through
More than 18 months after two large wildfires burnt 14,000 hectares of bushland near Kimba, vegetation is showing promising signs of recovery.
This project is supported by the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board through funding from the Australian Government’s bushfire recovery package for wildlife and their habitat, in conjunction with the landholders of the affected area.
“Since the bushfire recovery program began on this site 40km east of Kimba early last year, we have been coordinating a range of pest control and erosion management activities to assist recovery of the bushland and the wildlife it supports,” says Planning and Assessment Officer with the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board, Andrew Freeman.
“The area has received below average rainfall and a number of significant wind events which has made it difficult for the bushland to recover.
“Overabundant kangaroos, rabbits and goats in the area would make recovery even slower but our control program is making a real difference to numbers, giving surviving plants an opportunity to re-shoot while new seedlings have been able to survive.”
A number of landowners were affected by these fires but John Read and Katherine Moseby own most of the land burnt; and are excited to see how the bush is recovering.
“We’re really pleased to see native grasses now prevalent and rare plants such as the Yellow Swainson-pea, responding after the fire,” says Mr Read.
“It has been great to be able to reduce numbers of kangaroos in the area as we know that high kangaroo numbers have a significant effect on the health of our bushland which is only accentuated after a bushfire with the more palatable seedlings selectively grazed and often killed.”
The majority of the affected bushland is managed for conservation under a heritage agreement. A heritage agreement is an area that is privately owned but an agreement has been made between the landowner and the state government to protect the remnant vegetation in perpetuity.
The funding will continue to be delivered over the next year with actions undertaken to maximise the recovery of the bushland.