Three BIG issues

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Three issues papers for community feedback for developing KI NRM Plan, biodiversity, water , bisosecurity

Biosecurity, biodiversity conservation and the wise and productive use of water are the next BIG issue discussion papers that arose from the community meetings held for the development of the new regional NRM Plan. The community is encouraged to read and have its say on these and the other papers being developed.

BiosecurityThe Biosecurity discussion paper focuses on the importance of preventing weeds, pest animals and disease invading KI. Questions it raises include:What is being done and what should be done to manage pest threats on KI?What impact will a changing climate have? Which species will be advantaged, which disadvantaged by climate change?What control methods are we prepared or able to use on KI?What priority should we give to funding biosecurity and feral management activities?

Biodiversity conservationThe paper discusses the relationship between humans and animal and plant species, the impact of biodiversity loss on human health and wellbeing and the existing and future threats to the island’s key species and ecosystems. Questions for consideration include:What is being done and what should be done to address threats to biodiversity loss on KI?What impacts will increased biodiversity loss have on the community and KI’s key industries?What impact will climate change have on our native species?What management actions need to be taken to improve the resilience of the island’s ecosystems?

Wise and productive use of waterThe Wise and Productive Use of Water paper provides a snapshot of the region’s water resources, including present and future supply and consumption, and aquatic ecosystems. The paper raises a number of questions including:What are the current and future pressures on Kangaroo Island’s water resources?What water conservation practices might need to be implemented in response to projected reductions and increasing variability in rainfall as an outcome of the changing climate?What types of management actions are required to monitor and improve water quality and maintain aquatic ecosystems?

You can read these papers online or you can get a printed copy from the natural resources centre. Viewing the papers online has the advantage that you can link directly to the papers’ supporting and background documents.

The plan is everyone’s blueprint and agreement on how things are to be managed – so make sure you have your say on these and other matters related to the BIG issues discussions papers either online or through the natural resources centre.

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