A close shave for those who protect the protectors

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A close shave for those who protect the protectors

Natural Resources Kangaroo Island fire management officer Anthony Sandeman is shaving off his bushy beard to raise money for park rangers who work to protect some of the world’s most endangered animals from poachers and game hunters.

Anthony said The Thin Green Line is the only organisation that is solely dedicated to providing rangers and their families with the assistance they deserve and need.

“As someone who has worked closely with rangers over the years, I know what dedication they have to conservation. I can only imagine the extra difficulties rangers have to deal with in conflict areas contending with people intent on killing the animals they protect.”

According to Global Conservation, a non-profit nature conservation group, more than 200 park rangers have lost their lives in the line of duty in the last two years; and 120 of them were killed by poachers while protecting animals such as elephants and gorillas.

Many of Anthony’s family have not seen him without a beard for many years and he and his wife, Jessica, are concerned about how their 14 month old daughter, Summer Lily, will react to a clean shaven dad.

“My daughter may not recognise me without my beard,” Anthony said. “Something that my wife has grown to love.”

“Jessica understands why I’m doing this though. When you consider that families around the world simply hope to see their ranger parents again after they’ve been on patrol, it makes my plight rather frivolous.”

“People like you and me risk and lose their lives working toward a common goal of conservation, but who protects the protectors?”

Anthony is hoping to outdo a ranger colleague from the SA Arid Land region who dyed his hair green and raised more than $5,000 for the charity.

Donations may be made online: https://www.mycause.com.au/page/176883/beardless-for-rangers

Anthony will be shaving his beard off on July 30th but if you would like to see the appearance of “Glitter Beard”, “Bobble Beard” or “(insert colour here) Beard” please specify in the comments along with your donation.

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