Biosecurity breach averted

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A potential high biosecurity risk to Kangaroo Island's honey bee industry was averted after a vigilant beekeeper spotted a used honey extractor being transported to the Island.

PIRSA Biosecurity SA Senior Apiary Inspector, Mr Michael Stedman said that the alleged owners of the extractor were contacted and the offending goods seized as part of a formal investigation.

“Honeybees, honeybee products including honey, wax, pollen and propolis, and used beekeeping equipment can introduce diseases that could have a devastating impact on our honey bee industry on Kangaroo Island,” he said.

“In this case, it's alleged that the owner did not comply with the legislative requirements of obtaining a health certificate certifying the appliance had undergone an approved sterilisation process.”

Whilst in this instance the risk materials have been seized, apiarists are reminded of their ongoing responsibilities, and KI apiarists in particular are encouraged to monitor their hives and report any suspect disease or introductions.

Natural Resources Kangaroo Island (NRKI) Biosecurity Liaison Officer, Mr Andrew Triggs said that NRKI’s Too Good to Spoil project has helped raise community awareness about biosecurity and how to protect KI’s environment and industries.

“There are specific requirements for the movement of such equipment to Kangaroo Island, as well as restrictions on potatoes to protect the seed potato industry and restrictions on unwashed or unbrushed potatoes for consumption.

“Mr Triggs said that the environment and agricultural industries also benefit from the absence of foxes, rabbits and ferrets.”

Report any concerns about pests and diseases to NRKI on 08 8553 4444.

For more information about biosecurity and Kangaroo Island visit:

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