Come and learn about the work of the Kangaroo Island Landscape Board at a special event in Kingscote

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The Kangaroo Island Landscape Board will host a special knowledge sharing event at the Ozone Hotel on Wednesday 1 November.

Come and learn about the work of the Kangaroo Island Landscape Board at a special event in Kingscote

The team will present learnings and achievements from some the Board's headline projects that ran from 2018-23.

This will be a special opportunity for the public to learn more about the oyster reef restoration project, feral cat eradication and control programs, KI dunnart recovery program, narrow-leaved mallee woodland recovery program, and sustainable agriculture.

General Manager Will Durack will introduce the projects and provide a glimpse to the future.

“The Kangaroo Island Landscape Board deliver a range of incredible on ground projects but unless you’re closely connected to the outcomes of these it can be hard to fully understand what we do,” Mr Durack said.

“This event is an open invitation to learn more about our work, what it delivers and why you should care.

“As part of the day we’ll present a range of our projects and allow time for community to ask us questions, provide suggestions and raise concerns.”

The event will start at 9.30am in the Nepean Bay Room at the Ozone Hotel on Wednesday 1 November. A free morning tea will be served, with the event finishing around midday.

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Communications and Media Coordinator
+61 8553 2476

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