It is the perfect time to get your hands dirty for the glossy black-cockatoo!

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Don’t miss the opportunity to plant trees at the annual community tree planting event. The Natural Resources Kangaroo (NRKI) Island team and volunteers aim to revegetate habitat for the endangered glossy black-cockatoo.

NRKI glossy black-cockatoo recovery project officer, Karleah Berris said that the team have revisited previous planting sites and have recorded well over 90% survival even in areas like Stokes Bay which have high numbers of kangaroos and wallabies.

“The previous monitoring has shown that glossies are starting to use the revegetation sites to feed in just six years after planting, said Mrs Berris.

“Revegetation is a vital part of the recovery program.

“It provides additional feeding trees for the growing glossy population and links existing native vegetation and revegetation sites.”

Volunteer Julie Szappanos said she enjoy the last planting day, it’s not just about planting, it’s a privilege to volunteer with others and get your hands dirty for the glossies recovery.

“Kangaroo Island is a beautiful place, this event connects you with like-minded people while helping to conserve this beautiful cockatoo.

“There are not many places in the world you can do this, said Ms Szappanos.

Last year saw 2700 seedlings planted including 700 drooping sheoaks which are ideal feeding trees.

This project is supported by Natural Resources Kangaroo Island in partnership with the Australian Government.

The Tree Planting will start at 10 am on Saturday 25 June, Lathami Conservation Park, Stokes Bay.

A light lunch will be provided, please RSVP for catering purposes. Contact Natural Resources Kangaroo Island on 8553 4444 or email to register your interest.

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