Registrations now open: Island Arks Symposium on Kangaroo Island

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Registrations are now open for the Island Arks Symposium VIII. The Symposium will take place from Monday, 26 August until Thursday, 29 August 2024, at the Kingscote Town Hall on internationally renowned Kangaroo Island.

Registrations now open: Island Arks Symposium on Kangaroo Island

The eighth biennial Island Arks Symposium provides an exciting opportunity to share the knowledge and practice of the many Island stewards across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. To access the 10% early bird discount register before 31 May 2024 via the website.

KI Landscape Board chairman Andrew Heinrich said the 2024 Symposium theme is Island Stewards: Caring for Land and Sea, was selected to recognise the relationship all island managers have as users and protectors of island resources.

“The theme was selected to recognise the role of land managers in supporting and developing our unique island lifestyles in a way that sustainably uses natural resources while conserving and protecting the natural values that make each island unique. It highlights the relationship all island managers have as users and protectors of an island's resources,” Mr Heinrich said.


The 2024 Island Ark Symposium features an engaging mix of keynote speakers, presentations from people and organisations involved in island management, a field trip to explore integrated land management and conservation practices on Kangaroo Island. The welcome event and dinner will also provide opportunity for meeting new people and catching up with old friends.

“This is an excellent opportunity to explore one of Australia's must-see destinations and network with scientists, researchers, conservationists, and environmentalists focused on the unique challenges, pathways, and solutions that exist in living and working on islands,” Mr Heinrich said.

“It is an exciting opportunity to share the knowledge and practices of the many island stewards in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific,” he said.

The symposium is a targeted opportunity for traditional custodians, community groups, practitioners, land managers, policymakers, and scientists to explore the challenges, pathways, and solutions to balance competing pressures and successfully ensure the sustainability of islands across the Asia Pacific.

Ticket costs cover all activities, including morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea catered by Kangaroo Island's premium food producers and a unique networking dinner at the Kangaroo Island Brewery.

Are you interested in presenting your research or work at the 2024 Island Ark Symposium VIII? The call for abstract submissions as now closed but please contact event organiser Sarah Kemp at Please read the guidelines before emailing your abstract.

The abstract submissions fall under the following session themes:

1. Indigenous stewards — managing land and sea

2. Valuing people and place

3. Islands as arks

4. Islands under threat

5. Land and sea interface

6. Integrated island management and restoration

7. Conservation introductions


The 2024 Island Ark Symposium VIII is a professional development event for scientists, researchers, conservationists, and environmentalists. As such, registration, attendance, travel, and accommodation expenses are tax deductible.


Kangaroo Island is a popular destination for national and international visitors. Only 15 kilometres from the South Australian mainland, Kangaroo Island offers opportunities to see wildlife (including rare and endangered species) in natural habitats, spectacular coastlines and bush landscapes, in addition and world-class food, wine and visitor experiences.

SIZE: Kangaroo Island is the third-largest island in Australia and six times the size of Singapore, covering an area of 4,405 kilometres.

POPULATION: Kangaroo Island has a resident population of 5,100 people and welcomes over 245,000 visitors and tourists every year.

COASTLINE: Kangaroo Island's coastline is 509 kilometres and boasts some of the best beaches in Australia and the world.

NATIONAL PARKS: National and conservation parks cover almost one-third of Kangaroo Island, making it the ideal destination for exploring one of Australia's most iconic national landscapes and experiencing a wealth of nature-based experiences.


  • Stokes Bay was judged the best beach by Tourism Australia in 2023
  • The New York Times listed Kangaroo Island in the top ten places to visit in 2023
  • TIME Magazine's 2023 list of World's Greatest Places – 50 Extraordinary Destinations to Explore included Kangaroo Island
  • Lonely Planet named Kangaroo Island the No. 2 must-visit region for 2024

Media contact
Vanessa Wilson
Communications and Media Coordinator

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