So what has been going on in KI backyards?

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So what has been going on in KI backyards?

Despite the recent cold and wet nights, islanders have ventured out to attend the ‘What’s going on in your backyard?’ workshops run by the Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board. Offered in 12 locations across the island as well as in Adelaide, numbers attending varied but at all of them enthusiastic discussions took place.

The aim of the workshops was to give everyone an opportunity to provide input into the new NRM Plan to ensure that it addresses the needs and interests of all KI stakeholders. The planning process also aims to build co-operation and collaboration among all sectors of the community.

The workshops have explored what people value about KI and their vision for its future and have tapped into local knowledge and observations. They also sought to identify positive and negative changes occurring on the island and build consensus on the action that needs to be taken.

While common issues emerged in the workshops, each one provided new information relating to specific local concerns and priorities.

Phillipa Holden Van Zyl, Project Manager for the new NRM plan facilitated the workshops. She commented,

‘It’s been great to meet islanders and landholders. I am struck by their love and passion for KI and their commitment to maintaining its beauty, integrity and economic viability, striving to make it a place where future generations can thrive.’

If you missed out on attending a workshop or would like to add more comments to those you’ve made you can ensure your voice is heard by completing the NRM Plan Community Survey. Hard copies are available from the natural resources centre.Find out more about the development of the new NRM Plan 2015 – 2025.

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