Landscape and Water levies
What levies apply to the SA Arid Lands?
The Landscape South Australia Act 2019 provides for a regional (land-based) Landscape Levy and a water levy to provide additional funding for the SA Arid Lands (SAAL) Landscape Board to take care of our landscape management for future generations and to deliver on its commitments under the Regional Landscape Plan.
Who pays the levies?
All landowners (including lessees) in the SAAL region pay the regional Landscape Levy. The Landscape Levy amounts to 15 per cent of the Board's total income.
The water levy is payable on water allocated to the mining, energy, gas and petroleum sector (collectively called industrial licences), for town water suppliers, irrigators and for commercial operations, such as tourist park operators in the Far North Wells Prescribed Area. The water levy is not payable on water licences held for stock and domestic use.
How are your levy payments spent?
Read more in Your Levy at Work