Kangaroo Partnership Project

Kangaroo Partnership Project

The Kangaroo Partnership Project aims to assist in managing the significant threat to the environment posed by unsustainably high populations of kangaroos, and ultimately improve the landscape and economic resilience of communities in regional South Australia.

Funded by the Landscape Priorities Fund, the program gathers key stakeholders together to explore and trial shared solutions.

The need for the project stemmed from record kangaroo populations across South Australian regions in 2017, which were then followed by a massive die off due to the years of drought that followed. The high kangaroo numbers contributed heavily to grazing pressure across the landscape with threats to native plant species at a time when properties had largely destocked and the landscape was unable to cope with the large numbers.

Led by the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board in partnership with landscape boards across five South Australian Landscape regions, the partnership involves landholder, producer, kangaroo industry, conservation, First Nations, government and animal welfare organisations.

It aims to find the common ground between environmental, economic, social and cultural interests that provide a basis for collaboration and shared responsibility for kangaroo management.

In April 2022 key stakeholders were involved in two online workshops designed to increase understanding of the issues and opportunities, strengthen project goals, and foster co-ownership of the partnership among stakeholders. More than 50 cross-sector representatives from around the state attended the two-part online workshop series, including from the kangaroo industry, conservation, animal welfare, land managers and government.

More than 20 organisations are committed to the project including:

  • Bush Heritage Australia

  • Ecological Horizons

  • Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board

  • Jumbuck Pastoral

  • Kokatha Pastoral

  • Livestock SA

  • Macro Meats Group

  • Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board

  • Northern and Yorke Landscape Board

  • South Gap Station

  • SA Water

  • SA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub

  • South Australian Professional Field Processors Organisation

The project is facilitated by the Kangaroo Partnership Coordinator, who plays a pivotal independent role through partnership facilitation, stakeholder engagement, and acting as a key contact for landholders interested in on-ground trials. Cassia Paragnani has filled this role since August 2024.

For further information on the program you can contact the coordinator at coordinator@sakangaroopartnership.com.

Grant program

As a result of two workshops held earlier this year, a new grant-funding program was developed as the key next stage of the Kangaroo Partnership Project.

Funding was offered for projects relating to trials and demonstrations, research and development, education and awareness raising, and innovative ideas associated with improving outcomes in kangaroo management.

Following assessment of grant applications, funding was awarded to three projects:

  • Increasing kangaroo value through quality, product diversity, reliability and branding
  • South Australian Rangelands Kangaroo Collective Pilot
  • Kangaroo management raising awareness.

Further details on each of these projects, including who will oversee the projects, is available here and in the newsletter Roo Roundup, below.



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