Landscape Board communiques
Find out what our board is discussing and download your copy of the communiques. For more details, see the minutes.
- The board received a comprehensive presentation on the progress and early learnings of the Water Accounting Trial, which supports learning around daily water consumption of livestock, feral and native animals across various seasons and landscapes. This is happening alongside a range of technologies that best support water accounting to measure total usage, noting the complexities of water use and management in this region. Early learnings, while not conclusive, provide some indicative data sets for a range of six individual trials to be compared and analysed over the coming 18 months.
- The board will provide sponsorship for community members to apply to attend the International Rangeland Congress to be held in Adelaide in 2025. The Pastoral Board will provide additional sponsorship, and a single application process will be offered for both organisations. Find out more about the congress in the Communique.
- Board members worked on the Significant Environmental Benefits policy, considering the role it plays in facilitating and brokering outcomes for the region. The board will focus on supporting the maximum benefits for the region in redistributing offset funding for environmental outcomes. In-depth discussions assisted the board in determining the role it has and the role it may play in the future.
- The board was provided a biosecurity and total grazing pressure update, with a focus on kangaroos, goats, buffel grass and pigs.
- The board farewelled Kurt Tschirner and Tim Flowers who served the board since its inception in 2020. David Whitelaw, who is the CEO of Kokatha Aboriginal Corporation, will join the board when it next meets in February.
- The board submitted a high-level response to the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act Submission consultation by the Department of Energy and Mining (DEM) on proposed release areas and reiterated the obligation to ensure the community remains engaged and heard through the process. The potential risk of significant development in the region were also raised by the board, which will have an ongoing role to play in support of sustainable activity, environmental protection and water management.
- Santos provided a technical presentation explaining the technology, science and the long-term benefits of the now activated Carbon Capture and Storage project at Moomba to support the zero emissions economy for SA by 2050. They heard that since the project commenced, the States emissions had decreased by seven per cent.
- Board members endorsed a plan to issue Out of Council levy invoices to an additional 350 property owners that had not previously been levied. The board had not been receiving information associated with the sale and creation of new land parcels and systems have been implemented to ensure the data is updated and reviewed annually.
- Landscape Group chairs joined the board for part of the October meeting, It was a valuable opportunity for chairs to share the priorities of their group's recently reviewed District Action Plans alongside the priorities outlined in the board's five-year strategic plan and identify whole of region issues.
- The June meeting was hosted in the Flinders Ranges with both the SA Arid Lands and Pastoral Boards coming together after holding their individual board meetings in Leigh Creek and Copley. The combined meeting was attended by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Climate, Environment and Water, Hon Susan Close. While in the region, the group visited Holowiliena Station, Nilpena-Ediacara Conservation Park and Copley Community Garden before meeting with the community at an informal catch up at the Copley Hotel.
- The board endorsed its 2025 Business Plan, which captures the new funding sourced by the board to deliver outcomes across the priorities of the board.
- Six grants were awarded to First Nations organisations to support the development or review of plans associated with Native Title holdings likely to support ranger activities or enterprises that support greater capacity and participation of community on Country.
- Almost $150,000 in grants for 19 projects across the region were endorsed in the board's 2024/25 Grassroots Grants funding.
- A presentation was given on the development of the Outback Drought Resilience Plan by a multiple-agency collaboration. Input was sought from local communities across the SA Arid Lands so they can be reflected in the plan alongside the scientific and evidence-based data.
- The board explored ways to maximise regional attendance and have exemplar projects and initiatives reach an international stage at the International Rangelands Congress in 2025.
- Final plans were made for the combined SAAL Landscape Board and Pastoral Board regional meeting to be hosted in the Flinders Ranges in June.
- Recommendations by the board to an Independent review of the SA Landscape Act 2019 have been reflected in a final report. The board had an opportunity to review the report and looks forward to seeing the review in parliament and the adoption in the coming months.
- The Department for Energy and Mines provided an update relating to the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy (HRE) Bill. It included the process for engaging with community to maximise pastoralist input and the context of multiple land tenures in the region along with the development of the Regulations.
- A presentation on the board's flagship Ag program Building Pastoral Sustainability shared data on impact, improvement and change in pastoral practices recorded from the Grazing Land Management courses, soils projects and multiple partnership projects with the SA Drought Hub.
- The board endorsed the annual district Landscape Group call to begin in March, with existing members reapplying and a small number of vacancies across the seven groups.
- Changes were made to the 24/25 Grassroots Grants round. An extra investment took the total grant amount to $150,000 and a change to allow individual grant applications to increase to $20,000 per applicant.
- The SAAL Landscape Board contributed to and endorsed the collective views of all nine Landscape Groups in a submission to the Department for Environment and Water on the development of a proposed Biodiversity Act.
- The board welcomes the Landscape Group Chairs for a mutual exchange of what is happening at a board and group level.
- A presentation was given to outline the Indigenous Ranger Gathering held on Kokatha Country in September.
- Local policies to address the impacts of feral pigs and buffel grass were endorsed by the board, with a presentation given on buffel by the State Coordinator Troy Bowman.
- An update on the Oak Dam Development was provided by BHP personnel.
- The board's 20th meeting was held at Mt Ive in the Gawler Ranges, giving the local community an opportunity to meet with board members and those of the Pastoral Board.
- The final report of the two-year Kangaroo Partnership Program was presented to the board.
- Board members received a comprehensive update on biosecurity matters, including Buffel Grass, and the management of wild dogs, goats and pigs.
- The board endorsed the new members joining the Landscape Groups across each of the seven districts.
- A total of 17 Grassroots Grants were reviewed and approved by the board after a panel assessed the applications against the criteria and the board's strategic priorities.
- The annual Regional Board Meeting will be held 22-24 August, hosted by Mt Ive in the Gawler Ranges. The meeting will be a joint venture with the Pastoral Board.
- Board members were given an update on the board's three-year Arckaringa Daisy project, which has been funded through the Australian Government's Environment Restoration Fund. The project has enabled further research, protection and management of this unique perennial shrub, known to exist only in the Arckaringa Hills.
- A comprehensive briefing was provided on the Northern Water Supply Project, which will supply desalinated water options to reduce pressure on the Great Artesian Basin. Board members heard about the project's progress, its potential opportunties and risks to the environment.
- Member for Giles Eddie Hughes and Member for Stuart Geoff Brock joined the meeting and were updated on the breadth of the board's business to ensure they are engaged with issues relevant to the State Government.
- Board members were updated on a new Landscape Priorities Fund project that will focus on the management of goats, pigs and wild dogs.
- The February meeting was the first for the new board. Douglas Lillecrapp is the new chair, while Flinders Ranges Council Chief Executive Officer Eric Brown has now joined the board.
- The Annual Business Plan for 2023/24 has been endorsed by the board. This occurred earlier than usual due to the Levy Equalisation Scheme, occurring as a result of the introduction of the Landscape SA Act 2019 in which boundary changes occurred and boards are required to equalise levy payments.
- A proposed Terms of Reference for the newly formed Aboriginal Engagement Network has been supported by the board and will now be considered by the network.
- Members have discussed and set the criteria for the annual Grassroots Grants round, which opened for applications on 6 March.
- Following public consultation, the board endorsed a proposed Landscape Levy model of a charge based on land use and applied across all council areas, to be approved by the Minister for Environment and Water.
- Members heard about the proposed introduction of the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act currently open for consultation.
- Discussion continued regarding the development of a policy guiding the issue of unmanaged rangelands goats.
- Board members were updated on grants awarded by the Kangaroo Partnership Program.
- Presiding member Ross Sawers, who joined the board at its inception, was farewelled by board members.
- Chairs from each of the seven Landscape Groups have met with the board and presented key issues from their District Action Plans.
- Members heard an informative presentation from Santos relating to the Moomba Carbon Capture and Storage Project.
- Board members heard about the Kangaroo Partnership Program grant project, which received 10 applications that were assessed during September and October.
- The board's 2022/23 Business Plan has been approved by Minister for Climate, Environment and Water.
- Planning is underway for the 2022 regional board meeting, to be held at Marree.
- New Landscape Group members have been endorsed by the board, giving each group a full contingent of members.
- Members of hte Native Vegetation Council joined board members to explore opportunities for furthering a partnership where the work of the two bodies does, and could connect.
- Board members were updated on initiatives to further partner with First Nations. A follow up meeting will be scheduled to progress ideas, projects and ways of partnering to achieve increased participation.
- The 22/23 SAAL Landscape Board Business Plan was approved by the Board and forwarded to the Minister for approval.
- The board adopted a new Large Feral Herbivore Policy that captures the feral animals impacting the rangelands that are not declared for management.
- The new Minister was updated on board business through briefings following the change in State Government.
- The new SA Arid Lands Landscape Board office has been officially opened.
- Landholders in the Gawler Ranges have highlighted the presence of feral deer on pastoral properties and in the Gawler Ranges National Park.
- The board committed to doubling the next round of Grassroots Grants to offer $200K to support recovery efforts following heavy rains.
- The Kangaroo Partnership project is progressing well, with a stakeholder workshop planned for April.
- A cleansing and cultural smoking ceremony was performed by Nukunu Elder Lindsay Thomas at the board's new office in the former Port Augusta court house.
- The Board met with Sevenseas Creative principals and their team member Georgina Shirley, the new Kangaroo Partnership Coordinator.
- The Inaugural Landscape SA Excellence Award was presented to Quorn Community Landcare Group for its Reviving Biodiversity in the Ranges project.
- Members met with the chairs or their representatives of the Board's seven Landscape Groups, where they worked on setting priorities for the 2022/23 Business Plan.
- A presentation on the Building Pastoral Sustainability Project showcased outcomes and testimonials from the first 18 months of the project.
- The Board was presented with the final draft of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statement of Commitment, developed and agreed to by all SA Landscape Boards.
- Members of the Water Accounting Advisory Group were introduced, and includes Tim Flowers as the Board's representative.
- Minister for Environment and Water David Speirs approved the Board's inaugural Regional Landscape Plan.
- The SA Arid Lands Landscape Board met in Hawker in what was the first in an annual commitment to hold meetings in the region.
- Peak Iron Mines provided an overview of current and potential works in the region, predominantly in the Kingoonya and Gawler Ranges districts.
- Board members made a commitment to review the current and long-standing issue of feral goats in the rangelands.
- The Board endorsed a new water accounting project which will support alternative and innovative trials to measure water take in prescribed areas.
- The board hosted a workshop with key partners to address the issue of wild dog management in the SA Arid Lands region.
- $350,000 has been secured for the Optimising Kangaroo Management in SA project, which is to be a multi-region, multi-partner project addressing the significant threat posed by over-abundant kangaroos.
- New Landscape Group members were endorsed at the meeting, with most of the seven landscape groups now fully subscribed.
- The Board met with PIRSA representatives to review the current legislative and policy context for managing goats under the Landscape South Australia Act 2019.
- Members were briefed on all operating arrangements, service agreements with DEW and new structures following the final change that means the Bard is now operating as a completely autonomous entity.
- Community feedback on the Board's Landscape Plan and Business Plan was considered.
- The draft SA Arid Lands 5-year Regional Landscape Plan has been released for consultation.
- Following the adoption of the Far North Prescribed Wells Area Water Allocation Plan by Minister Speirs, the board was notified of next steps in the program to implement the plan.
- Pastoral Board members joined the SA Arid Lands Board at the February meeting to discuss topics of interest to both boards.
- MP Dan van Holst Pellekaan joined the meeting to exchange information relating to the board's current priorities.
- The Board commits to a partnership tackling biosecurity issues.
- Development of the new regional Landscape Plan is continuing.
- Wild Dog baiting takes to the skies.
Landscape Board Meeting September 2020
- Milestone reached as the final draft of the Water Allocation Plan for the Far North Prescribed Wells was sent to the Minister.
- Overwhelming response to the Board's Grassroots Grants program.
- New district for the SA Arid Lands with the addition of Port Augusta and Quorn to the region.
- Discussion of the Board's role in the management of Kangaroo numbers.
- The final draft of the Far North Prescribed Wells Area Water Allocation Plan was presented to the Board.
- Board representatives were appointed to district Landscape Groups.
- Partnerships, engagement and participation with First Nations people in the region, as well as options for future engagement opportunities were discussed.
- Members of the SA Arid Lands board were joined by members of the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board for a finance and governance induction.
Communiques of the former SA Arid Lands NRM Board are available here