Our region's plan

SA Arid Lands Regional Landscape Plan

The SA Arid Lands Landscape Board has a plan for the region.

The Regional Landscape Plan 2021-2026 was developed in line with the requirements of the Landscape South Australia Act 2019, and identified five priorities for landscape management in the SA Arid Lands that will guide Board investment for the next five years.

  • Climate resilient region
  • Water management
  • Sustainable land management
  • Protecting and enhancing biodiversity
  • People and partnerships

The plan was founded on what we heard from community through planning workshops with district Landscape Groups, contributions to the former NRM Plan, and feedback on the Water Allocation Plan and other recent outback community consultations.

Learn more about our 2023-24 Achievements

Supporting documents

SAAL Districts and Bioregions

District Action Plans

Gawler Ranges


Marree Innamincka

Marla Oodnadatta

North East Pastoral

North Flinders

Port Augusta - Quorn

Annual Business Plan

The Board’s business plan sets out how the Board will generate and invest its income, which includes water and landscape levies.

The Board directs funding across a number of key areas, working with government, pastoralists, mining and petroleum companies, tourism groups, progress associations, Aboriginal communities, non-government organisations and other community groups to build their capacity to sustainably manage their land.

In addition to providing strategic advice on regional landscape management issues and priorities, through its business plan the Board funds on-ground activities which are carried out by its staff.

You can read the Board's Annual Business Plan for 2024/25 here.