Rangeland Goats

Rangeland Goats

Unmanaged Rangelands goats pose a significant threat to landscapes including the natural habitat for protected and endangered species, cultural sites, grazing and agricultural land.

Total grazing impact and reduction of vegetation by large, rapidly expanding herds with indiscriminate grazing habits of ground cover and canopy cover, hastens the onset of drought conditions and erosion impacts in the SA Rangelands.

Coordinating Management of Rangeland Goats is a two-year project funded by the State Government's Landscape Priorities Fund.

A Rangelands Goat Management Coordinator has been appointed to align stakeholder control efforts throughout the regions affected by goats and establish a Statewide Rangelands Goat Management Strategy. The networking and harnessing of capabilities from across rangelands regions, in addition to collaboration with market, First Nations land managers, Native Title Holders, and policy makers will ultimately improve landscape scale management across our regions.

This project also wishes to work with landholders and the wider public pertaining to Rangelands Goats, to establish an understanding of their geographic range, environmental and economic impact.

More information

Rangelands Goat Management Coordinator

0488 224 923
