Native animals

The South Australian Arid Lands region is home to a large number of different native animals (fauna). Of these, some are endangered or under threat animal species.

Why is fauna important?

Native animals are important for many reasons:

  • as indicators of healthy ecosystems, waterways and habitats – for example frogs in wetlands
  • native animals play important roles in ecosystems such as; keeping some animals from becoming too numerous (predators), managing vegetation growth (herbivores) or providing food, and recycling organic matter (decomposers)
  • the variety of native animals and the ecosystems in which they live contribute to the quality of life we have
  • each year, thousands of tourists visit the region to see our native plants and animals
  • the vast majority of locals enjoy seeing wildlife and value their presence in our landscapes
  • we like to know there is wildlife near us, and this knowledge helps us to realise that there is more to our world than what we own and control, and that there are many reasons to conserve and protect the natural world
  • some native animals even have economic benefits.

Why manage fauna?

We need to manage native animals because nearly everything we do affects them. We share their landscapes and ecosystems, including the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the places we live in and the places we visit. The world human population is expanding rapidly, placing great demands on our environment and its resources, including wild animals and their habitats. If we did not manage native animals, we risk more becoming endangered and extinct.

Threats to fauna

  • habitat loss is the single biggest threat to native animals both locally and globally
  • habitat fragmentation makes it difficult for animals to move from one patch to another
  • habitat alteration such as the loss of understorey shrubs, logs, food plants, old trees with hollows
  • feral animals which are competitors, predators and poisoners to native animals
  • barriers to movement within and between areas of habitat
  • hunting of native animals
  • road-kill can cause local extinction in some regions and is a constant welfare problem
  • disruptive human activities such as unsustainable tourism, recreational activities and industrial practices in important areas of habitat.

Fauna we are working to protect

Native animals

Name: Ampurta

Scientific name: Dasycercus cristicauda

Regional status: Least concern

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Bronzeback legless lizard

Name: Bronzeback legless lizard

Scientific name: Ophidiocephalus taeniatus

Regional status: Vulnerable

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Cooper Creek catfish

Name: Cooper Creek catfish

Scientific name: Neosiluroides cooperensis

Regional status: Rare

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Dusky hopping mouse

Name: Dusky hopping mouse

Scientific name: Notomys fuscus

Regional status: Least concern

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Grey falcon

Name: Grey falcon

Scientific name: Falco hypoleucos

Regional status: Endangered

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Grey grasswren

Name: Grey grasswren

Scientific name: Amytornis barbatus

Regional status: Vulnerable

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Inland taipan

Name: Inland taipan

Scientific name: Oxyuranus microlepidotus

Regional status: Least concern

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Native animals

Name: Kowari

Scientific name: Dasyuroides byrnei

Regional status: Vulnerable

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Native animals

Name: Malleefowl

Scientific name: Leipoa ocellata

Regional status: Vulnerable

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Plains wanderer

Name: Plains wanderer

Scientific name: Pedionomus torquatus

Regional status: Critically endangered

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Woma python

Name: Woma python

Scientific name: Aspidites ramsayi

Regional status: Near threatened

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Woomera slider

Name: Woomera slider

Scientific name: lerista elongata

Regional status: Rare

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Yellow footed rock wallaby

Name: Yellow footed rock wallaby

Scientific name: Petrogale xanthopus

Regional status: Rare

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Native animals

Name Short-tailed grasswren

Scientific name: Amytornis merrotsyi merrotsyi

Regional status: Vulnerable

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