SA Arid Lands women set to meet in Marree.

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In a regional first, women working in land management across South Australia’s Arid Lands are being called to Marree for an opportunity to network, relax and celebrate their influence in regional natural resources management by attending a two-day Women’s Retreat.

Posted 17 June 2015.

To be held from 18 – 20 June, the program offers a wide variety of development opportunities for up to 70 regional women and is sponsored by the SA Arid Lands (SAAL) Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board, the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and BHP Billiton.

SA Arid Lands (SAAL) Natural Resources Management (NRM) Board, Presiding Member, Janet Brook said that this exciting initiative has been a collaboration between the sponsors and a highly motivated organising crew of regional women from pastoral properties.

“Recognising and empowering women in natural resources management, particularly in our rangelands environment, speaks to the Board’s efforts to balance the region’s economic, social, cultural and ecological needs – or in other words, People, Profit and Planet,” she said.

“Women are not only contributors to small township communities and pastoral enterprises, they are often highly skilled professionals who are passionate about the environment and who are leaders and influencers in their own right.

“This is the first time a gathering like this has been organised for women in the region and the opportunity to get together face to face is not only rare but exciting for the possibilities of the exchanges to be had, the knowledge to be shared and the motivation we hope it will bring.

“Women connected to each other, their communities and the world, are essential to healthy regional populations so that they can continue to thrive and care for the region’s precious natural resources,” Ms Brook said.

Four major themes are central to the Retreat’s program; women in rural business, health and wellbeing, personal development and exploring artistic expression.

The packed program reflects these themes and offers attendees a chance to explore business diversification opportunities, hear about the latest innovations and technologies in pastoral management and animal health, discover how to awaken entrepreneurial confidence as well as dabbling in jewellery making and candle wicking.

The Retreat fittingly concludes with a market on the Saturday morning to be held at the Marree Progress Hall which is open to all community and visitors.

The market will feature pastoral business and NRM information booths, retail stalls and author, Tricia Stringer will be launching her new book, Heart of the Country, set in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges.

These activities are being delivered by Lisa Stevens, Regional Landcare Facilitator on behalf of the SAAL NRM Board with funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and BHP Billiton.

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