Drought advice

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Drought advice

Posted 15 July 2019.

Support and resources for land managers in dry times

The continuing dry period is being felt across the SA Arid Lands region, as well in other areas of the State. While unfortunately there is no magic wand to make it rain, there are a number of services and avenues PIRSA has for assistance that are available to support farm families, businesses and communities as they manage through drought.

The PiRSA Drought Hub is an easy-to navigate portal that includes details about South Australian specific information and resources on health, wellbeing, finance, technical advice and grants. You can reach the drought hub at https://www.pir.sa.gov.au/drought

Rural Financial Counselling Service: 1800 836 211 or ruralbusinesssupport.org.au/RFCS/

Delivered by Rural Business Support, the Rural Financial Counselling Service offers independent, confidential and professional business support for primary producers and related agricultural business owners who are experiencing financial difficulties.

The service can help with information about Farm Household Allowance (FHA), RIC loans, Farm Debt Mediation and SACWA financial assistance applications. Support is also available to help people to prepare for lender meetings, plus business analysis and referrals to other services.

Family and Business Support Program

The Family and Business (FaB) SupportOfficers are available for to meet and connect individuals, farming families and regional businesses to the appropriate services and programs available. Each mentor is experienced in discussing, addressing and providing advice about the difficult issues that arise as a result of drought.

You can contact your mentors directly.

  • John White 0447 787 436
  • Anne Collins 0427 486 115
  • Ross Sawers 0417 119 547
  • Judy Wilkinson 0401 122 049

To can also reach the mentors by emailing PIRSA.Recovery@sa.gov.au

On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate: pir.sa.gov.au/onfarm-water-rebate

Applications for the On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure Rebate scheme are now closed, however already funded projects are continuing. For information or details on existing applications, contact PIRSA on 1800 931 314.

You will find other information about drought support services being offered on our website at https://landscape.sa.gov.au/saal/land/Resources/Drought_support

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