Wild Dog News
Wild Dog News
Posted 15 July 2019.
Biteback Update
Ground Baiting 1 July 2018 - 30 June 2019
- A total of 232,205 baits were distributed to land managers south of the dog fence during the 2018/19 financial year (an increase of 88,278 baits from the previous year)
- 131 land managers (66.5%) south of the Dog Fence attended coordinated injection services, which was 27 more than the previous financial year.
Other Injection Services completed during 2018-19 financial year
- Five (23.8%) land managers from the Marla/Oodnadatta district (north of the fence) received baits through the Biteback program in the 2018-19 financial year and received 7,150 baits (4,750 injected and 2,400 manufactured). This was one less property and 10,545 less baits compared to the 2017-18 financial year.
- Two (9.1%) land managers from the Marree/Innamincka district (north of the fence) received baits through the Biteback program in the 2018-19 financial year and received 11,230 baits (11,230 injected and no manufactured). This was six less properties and 3,630 less baits compared to the 2017-18 financial year.
- Two land managers from the Northern & Yorke Region received baits through the Biteback program in the 2018-19 financial year and received 2,815 injected baits.
- Four stock agistors located in the AW Region received baits through the Biteback program in the 2018-19 financial year and received 6,630 injected baits.
Properties Meeting the Best Practice Level of baiting (1 July 2018 - 30 June 2019)
- 113 land managers (57.4%) south of the Dog Fence are currently meeting the best practice level of baiting.
Aerial Baiting
- 59,836 baits were distributed aerially over 47 properties in May 2019.
Monitoring (Calendar year 2018)
- 114 land managers (57.9%) returned maps for their properties south of the Dog Fence for the 2018 calendar year. This was 13 less than the previous calendar year.
- A further eight properties chose to report wild dog activity through the Wild Dog Scan application rather than through the mapping program.
Data collected in 2018 (South of the dog fence)
Shot | Trapped | Seen | Stock Losses |
324 | 395 | 263 | 6195 |
This data includes wild dog scan and map data returned during 2018.
Maps for 2019
- New maps for the next six month reporting period (July 1 - Dec 31 2019) will be mailed to all properties in early July.
- Please return your previous map (Jan 1 - June 31 2019) in the self-addressed envelope supplied with the new map.
- This information is used to guide wild dog control efforts in your area. If we do not receive information about wild dog activity on your property, we can only assume you are not experiencing any impacts.
Spring Injection Service Dates
Proposed dates have been developed for the 2019 Spring Injection Services. Official invites will be sent by email about six weeks prior to each service.
- North Flinders/Marree District: 16-20 September 2019.
- North East Pastoral District: 01-04 October 2019.
- Kingoonya/Gawler Ranges Districts: 21-29 October 2019.
Some extra days have been added for each district to accommodate for an expected increase in participation by land managers meeting the baiting levels outlined in the 'Best Practice Guidelines for Wild Dog Control'.
More new Drying Racks for each Coordinated Injection Service Site.
- Each of the Coordinated Injection Service sites will be receiving another new bait drying rack similar to the one shown in the photo below.
- This project, funded by the Commonwealth Government, will further develop the bait injection sites to accommodate more baits and will encourage better bait preparation techniques by land managers.
- Each unit is completely portable and can be used as a standalone drying rack, or can be grouped with others for larger amounts of baits.
Further information
Since 2009 the South Australian Arid Lands NRM Board's Biteback program has been supporting land managers in their efforts to control wild dogs inside (south of) the Dog Fence, offering advice on best practice control, encouraging non-participating properties to get involved, demonstrating new and innovative control technologies, coordinating injection services for 1080 baiting, and supporting strategic aerial baiting programs. Biteback is a partnership between the SA Arid Lands NRM Board, the South Australian and Australian Governments, the sheep industry and landholders.
Contact the Wild Dog Management Team:
Chris Havelberg 8648 5962 or 0458 566 536, chris.havelberg@sa.gov.au