Wild Dog News

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Wild Dog News

Posted 11 June 2020.

Injection Services

These unusual times have not stopped us from undertaking wild dog control, just slowed us down a little. We have continued to provide baits and injection services on demand (within a day trip of Port Augusta) during COVID-19 restrictions. This service will continue as we start returning to our previous levels, so if you have any issues or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact Chris Havelberg (0458 566 536) or Anna Rogers (0447 134 951) by telephone or email.

Inside the fence, 113 Landholders received baits during the 2019/20 financial year, a slight decrease from 2018/19 which saw 134 landholders receive baits.

The baits deployed in 2019/20 to date:

Gawler Ranges – 6,484 baits injected and 2,550 manufactured baits

Kingoonya – 11,196 baits injected and 6,850 manufactured baits

North East – 18,243 baits injected, 3,350 manufactured baits and 100 canid pest ejector capsules

North Flinders/Marree – 32,375 baits injected, 2,970 manufactured baits and 100 canid pest ejector capsules

North Fence – 26,840 baits injected, 5,800 manufactured baits

Aerial Baiting

Our usual autumn aerial baiting program was deferred due to COVID-19, but will now go ahead in spring, so keep an eye out for more information later in the year. However, PIRSA conducted an emergency aerial bait run at the start of May targeting major hotspots (65 properties) and deploying 32,236 baits.


The property maps for the second half of 2020 (1 July- 31 December) will be sent out in early July. Please continue to return any 2019 property maps and also return the 2020 1 January-30 June maps in the self-addressed return envelope when it arrives with the new map.

If you have chosen to report wild dog activity data through the Wild Dog Scan app, there is no need to return a hard copy map. If you are interested in learning how to use the Wild Dog Scan app, please give us a call and we can pass along learning resources and give physical training at the scheduled coordinated injection services.

All information collected from the maps and through the Wild Dog Scan app, is used to guide wild dog control efforts in your area. If we do not receive information about wild dog activity on your property, we can only assume you are not experiencing any impacts.

To date, 88 (44%) South fence properties have returned property maps and a further 8 (15.7%) North Fence properties for the 2019 calendar year. A further, 20 (10%) South fence properties have reported using Wild Dog Scan, and a further 7 (13.7%) North fence properties. This brings the total across the SAAL region to 96 (38.2%) properties have returned maps and a further 27 (10.7%) properties have reported using wild dog scan, resulting in a total of 123 (49%) reporting wild dog activity across the region in 2019.

Data collected during the 2019 calendar year for North and South of the Dog Fence*:




Stock Losses

North Fence

South Fence

North Fence

South Fence

North Fence

South Fence

North Fence

South Fence









* This data includes wild dog scan and map data returned during 2019.

PIRSA Professional Trapper Program

Control of wild dogs is most effective when baiting, shooting and trapping are used as an integrated control program. In the 2019/2020 financial year professional trappers trapped 287 dogs. For more information please contact Heather Miller at PIRSA via email Heather.miller@sa.gov.au or by telephone on 8429 2998 or 0488 426 395.

PIRSA Bounty Program

The drought relief-funded bounty program started on 1 April 2020 and has funding for two years. Since the program started, 87 dogs were claimed from 25 properties until 29 May. For more information please contact Heather Miller at PIRSA via email or telephone.

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