Field day focus on adaptation and innovation
Field day focus on adaptation and innovation
Posted 02 July 2020.
The SA Arid Lands Field Day, which was to be held in Port Augusta in May, has been rescheduled to take place on 3-4 December.
The new date was selected to ensure a venue could be provided that would be safe for all attendees. As COVID-19 restrictions ease, Board staff are reconnecting with presenters and field experts and are aiming to bring them together for the rescheduled field day.
As planned, the field day will deliver on a broad range of solutions and practices that landholders have highlighted as issues and requested to learn more about.
The range of presentations is likely to include:
- Sheep and cattle nutrition during drought
- Farm gate effects on meat quality
- Remote water monitoring
- Electronic Identification (EID) tags
- Sheep and cattle yard design
- Soil management and solutions for erosion
- Diversification into Carbon Farming
- Weather modelling
Public health and safety will remain a high priority and we look forward to seeing you in December.
Keep up to date with news about the field day here