Lessees contribute to Pastoral Board review

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Seventy-six pastoral lessees responded to an in-depth, independent survey of the Pastoral Board of South Australia over a five week period during March and April.

Posted 31 May 2016.

Conducted by market research company, McGregor Tan Research, the survey focused on landholder understanding and perceptions of the role and function of the Board.

It also sought recommendations for how the Board (and its delivery agent, the Pastoral Unit) can improve communication, policy making processes and operations.

Around 200 hard copy surveys were posted out to landholders in March in conjunction with an emailed announcement, multiple Facebook posts and direct phone calls, allowing several means of responding to the survey.

In addition to the survey, feedback was also sought from key stakeholders – such as peak industry bodies (eg Livestock SA), statutory authorities (eg SA Arid Lands NRM Board), Native Title groups, progress associations, banks, stock agents and other related organisations.

The survey data is currently being analysed by McGregor Tan Research with the findings to be presented to the Board at their next bi-monthly meeting in June.

The review aims to ensure the Board and the Pastoral Unit are administering the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989 in the most effective way possible and will help drive improvements to meet evolving stakeholder needs and expectations.

The review was driven in part after the Parliament of South Australia passed an amendment to the Board and Committees – Abolition and Reform Bill 2014 last June, where the Pastoral Board was retained in large part due to community and industry support.

The Board also hopes the review will lead to improved engagement with the community and other stakeholders.

All responses are confidential, with results reported in aggregate and no responses attributed to any individual.

Results will be made available in a future edition of Across The Outback.

The Pastoral Board thanks those who contributed to the survey.

Further information

Contact Chris Turner, Pastoral Unit Team Leader 8124 4957 or 0418 812 484

Pastoral Board, Natural Resources SA Arid Lands

Article originally published in Across the Outback (May 2016)

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