Biteback news July 2022

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Take a look at dog control efforts, monitoring reports, baiting efforts and proposed dates for the Spring injection service.

Dog Control Effort

Inside Fence Ground Baiting (2021-22 Financial Year)

This graph shows the total number of baits landholders inside the dog fence in the SAAL region placed over the past six seasons. It also shows the total amount of baits landholders (with the exception of the Port Augusta-Quorn district) are now expected to be placing to meet the mandatory baiting requirements of one bait per 1km of vehicle track in Autumn and Spring.

Please continue to work with Biteback Officers to find out the baiting requirements for your property. This will help you plan to secure meat baits or order manufactured baits to keep pressure on wild dog numbers. It’s important to remember that while wild dog activity may not be visible on a property, it doesn’t mean there are no wild dogs present. Broad scale wild dog baiting also helps to keep fox numbers down as well.

Biteback news July 2022

Monitoring of wild dog activity and impacts

Information on the number of wild dogs shot, trapped and seen live by landholders and the professional trappers inside the Dog Fence for the past five calendar years has been collated in the next graph. It also includes the reported number of stock killed or mauled in the same period.

The spike in dogs trapped in 2019 is a result of professional trappers starting work in the region. The reduction in 2020 and 2021 resulted from the drought, landholder dog control efforts (baiting, trapping and shooting) and by efforts by government departments put into professional trappers and aerial baiting. It’s important to note that access to professional trappers is dependent on a property meeting its mandatory baiting levels.

Improved rainfall is expected to result in an increased number of wild dogs. An increase in prey animals will ensure the dogs have a better chance of survival to adulthood and breeding. Continued dog control through baiting, shooting, trapping and reporting will enable low wild dogs numbers to be maintained for a longer period.

Biteback news July 2022

These results are only as good as the reporting via maps or feral scan. Please continue to report using the Wild Dog Scan or return your paper maps.

The new Spring 2022 paper maps have been sent and we ask that you return any Autumn 2022 or older maps back when you receive it. A blank map or a report of no dog activity for the season is still useful data . Please contact Biteback officers or your Community Landscape Officer for instructions on how to report no dog activity using the Wild Dog Scan app if you are unsure.

Aerial Baiting

The second aerial baiting program for 2021/2022 was conducted in June. This program focused around lake edges in areas inaccessible to landholders to build a barrier along a common area dogs use to travel large distances.

Another aerial baiting program run by PIRSA with support from Biteback in March was in response to flood damage to the Dog Fence. The baiting immediately inside the Dog Fence was aimed at building a buffer to try and prevent dogs moving further south while the fence was getting repaired.

Outside fence Ground Baiting (2021-22 Financial Year)

The number of baits landholders outside the Dog Fence have put out for the previous five financial years is shown in this next graph. Properties outside the Dog Fence are not required to do any dog control (unless in the 35km Buffer Zone) and are restricted to one bait per 2km2. Injection services are only offered in spring for landholders that request it due to high wild dog stock impacts.

Biteback news July 2022

Biteback Webinar

The next Biteback Webinar will focus on bait types, bait breakdown rates and the 1080 poison. The date will be sent via email once scheduled.

If you missed the past Biteback Webinars, you can watch the recordings here

Spring Injection Service proposed dates

Dates will soon be set for the coordinated Spring injection services and the following dates are proposed.

North Flinders/Marree: 19-22 September

Gawler Ranges: 5-6 October

Kingoonya/Gawler Ranges: 10-13 October

North East Pastoral: 17-20 October

Marla/Oodnadatta: 31 October - 4 November

Marree/Innamincka: 14-18 November

If these proposed dates clash with big community events, please contact the Biteback officers on 8648 5307 as it is easier to change dates now then closer to actual day.

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