Consider joining your local Landscape Group

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Take an active part in working towards environmental outcomes for your district by being a member of a Landscape Group in the SA Arid Lands region.

Applications are open until 10 May 2024 to join one of the SA Arid Lands Landscape Board’s district-based Landscape Groups and members of the community with an interest in landscape management are encouraged to apply.

Landscape Group members are skills-based and selected for their knowledge of areas such as conservation, Aboriginal heritage, primary production, mining, tourism, water resources management, pest animal and weed control, and local governance.

There are seven Landscape Groups across the region, each providing an essential link between their local communities and the board. These groups are based in the Gawler Ranges, Kingoonya, Marla-Oodnadatta, Marree-Innamincka, North East Pastoral, North Flinders and Port Augusta-Quorn districts.

Vacancies currently exist in all of these groups and expressions of interest are called to fill these positions.

SAAL Landscape Board Presiding member Douglas Lillecrapp said community members involved at a group level are a vital, practical link for the communities they represent.

“They provide a local perspective and ensure the priorities of the district they represent are heard at a board level,” he said.

“Our Landscape Group members have strong connections with the district, and are involved in or are passionate about the management of natural resources. “

Groups are actively engaged in the delivery of local projects and have recently reviewed and updated their District Action Plans in line with the board’s five strategic priorities. These plans guide the work of each group.

“Each Landscape Group has a board member representative who participates in meetings, further strengthening the link between local issues and board decision making. This is so important given the size of the region and the variation of local issues between each unique district,” Mr Lillecrapp said.

Groups play an important role in encouraging community partnerships and engagement with local people, evident at district-based field days and community events, through access to grant funding, training for land managers and involvement in environmental monitoring projects and education programs. As statutory sub-committees of the board, out of pocket costs are covered and sitting fees paid to value the time and skills of each member.

To register your interest in becoming a Landscape Group member visit or speak to your local Community Landscape Officer on 8429 9666.

More information

Communications Officer

0497 636 177

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