Northern and Yorke Landscape Board

Our role

There are nine landscape management regions in South Australia, governed by eight landscape boards and a metropolitan board, Green Adelaide. The landscape boards work alongside Green Adelaide, which provides an integrated approach to managing Adelaide’s urban environment.

Landscape boards consist of seven to nine members, including a chair. All members have been appointed by the Minister. Landscape boards are responsible for facilitating the management of landscapes in partnership with key partners and stakeholders.

They administer the Landscape South Australia Act 2019 and support all sectors of the community, and all levels of government, by providing strategic leadership for their region’s landscape management priorities with a focus on land, water, pests and biodiversity.

Landscape boards are statutory bodies and instruments of the Crown, accountable to, and subject to the direction of, the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water.

Our members

Meet our board members: Get to know our community-based board members.

Our vision and mission

Our vision is a resilient and productive landscape that sustains a thriving community, environment and economy. Our mission is to inspire, educate and work with our community to sustainably manage the Northern and Yorke landscape region. From the hills and plains to the sea, we are committed to the protection and productivity of our natural resources to ensure resilient ecosystems, vibrant communities and a healthy economy into the future.

Landscape Board meetings

Regular meetings are held in various locations across the region and members of the public are welcome to attend. Please advise your attendance by email to If you wish to address the Board, email the subject details and time required so that an addition to the agenda can be organised.

Meeting numberDateLocation
3819 February 2025Gawler
3919 March 2025Clare
4021 May 2025Port Pirie
4118 June 2025Yorke Peninsula
4220 August 2025Clare
4317 September 2025Laura
4419 November 2025Yorke Peninsula
45December - to be confirmed

Meeting agenda

Agenda Meeting 38

Meeting minutes

Annual reports and financial statements

The Board provides a report on its activities for each financial year in the form of an annual report. The Annual Report is provided to the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water and is published on the Board’s website once it has been laid before both South Australian Houses of Parliament. View the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board's recent annual reports and financial statements: