Coast and marine
Northern and Yorke Coastal Management Action Plan
The Northern and Yorke Coastal Management Action Plan 2020 aims to provide people, community groups, councils, government and non-government organisations with a broadly accepted plan for improved protection, conservation and management of the coast in this region. It is a resource to guide on-ground activities, and to form the basis for developing and seeking funding for coastal management projects at a range of scales.
Garden escape species
Garden plants like gazanias and succulents that spill into the dunes are one of the biggest threats to the resilience of our sensitive coastal environment. They quickly outcompete native vegetation that protects against erosion and storm damage and sustains the unique coastal ecosystem. Listed below are garden escapees that threaten Northern and Yorke's coastal system and how you can reduce their threat.
There are many water-wise and resilient native plant options that can thrive in your coastal garden. For simple yet inspiring garden advice for coastal residents, check out this handy guide: