Pest plants (Weeds)
Pest plants must be managed because they can have significant impacts on industries and the environment.
Declared pest plants
Pest plants that are a significant threat to agriculture, the natural environment and public health and safety are called declared plants. Land owners have a legal responsibility to manage these plants. The Landscape South Australia Act 2019 (the Act) sets out the legal framework for:
- banning the sale of declared weeds (Plants banned from sale in South Australia)
- controlling the movement of declared weeds
- destroying or controlling infestations of declared weeds (Weed control handbook for declared plants in South Australia - 2024)
- notifying authorities when an infestation is detected.
More information about South Australian weeds can be found at PIRSA - (PIRSA biosecurity weeds in South Australia) and at Declared plants of South Australia.
What is being done to manage pest plants?
The Northern and Yorke Landscape Board has a clearly defined approach to managing pests. This helps improve detection and response to new and existing pests based on their invasiveness, impact, potential distribution and feasibility of containing it.
How we can help you
Northern and Yorke Landscape Board staff are available to help you plan your approach to pest plant control. Staff can provide you with technical support, information resources and in some cases incentives to help you control pest plants. Contact us to find out more.
Our staff also ensure that declared plants are controlled as per the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board's responsibilities under the Act.
Correct use of chemicals for weed control
We can provide advice on the use of chemicals to control pest plants. It is important that chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides are used correctly. Incorrect use can impact human health and the health of the environment. Many people apply up to five times more chemical than is needed to kill the plants being targeted. This is a huge waste of time and money and can be counterproductive as it can kill the foliage of the plant before reaching the roots and so allow the weed to regrow. Excess chemicals can also run off, impacting soils, native plants and animals, and stormwater and waterways.
Priority weeds in the Northern and Yorke region
Common name: African boxthorn
Scientific name: Lycium ferocissimum
Status: Declared: must be controlled, banned from sale.
How to control African boxthorn
Common name: African feathergrass
Scientific name: Cenchrus macrourus
Status: Declared
Common name: African lovegrass
Scientific name: Eragrostis curvula
Status: Declared: must be controlled, banned from sale
Common name: Bathurst burr
Scientific name: Xanthium spinosum
Status: Declared
Common name: Blackberry
Scientific name: Rubus fruticosus sp. agg
Status: Weed of national significance
Common name: Bladder campion
Scientific name: Silene vulgaris
Status: Declared
Common name: Boneseed
Scientific name: Chrysanthemoides monilifera
Common name: Bridal creeper
Scientific name: Asparagus asparagoides
Status: Weed of national significance
Common name: Bridal veil
Scientific name: Asparagus declinatus
Status: Weed of national significance
Common name: Broom
Scientific name: Genista monspessulana
Status: Declared: must be controlled, banned from sale.
Common name: Buffel grass
Scientific name: Cenchrus ciliaris
Status: Pest plant
Common name: Bulbil watsonia
Scientific name: Watsonia meriana var. bulbillifera
Status: Declared: must be controlled, banned from sale.
Common name: Calomba daisy
Scientific name: Oncosiphon suffruticosum
Status: Declared
Common name: Caltrop
Scientific name: Tribulus terrestris
Status: Declared: must be controlled, banned from sale
Common name: Cape tulip
Scientific name: Moraea flaccida and miniata
Status: Declared
Common name: Coolatai grass
Scientific name: Hyparrhenia hirta
Status: Must be controlled, banned from sale.
Common name: Creeping knapweed
Scientific name: Rhaponticum repens
Status: Declared
Common name: Cutleaf mignonette
Scientific name: Reseda lutea
Status: Declared
Common name: English broom
Scientific name: Cytisus scoparius
Status: Declared: must be controlled, banned from sale
Common name: Gazania
Scientific name: Gazania sp.
Status: Invasive coastal weed
Common name: Gorse
Scientific name: Ulex europaeus
Status: Weed of national significance
Related links:
Common name: Hoary cress
Scientific name: Cardaria draba
Status: Declared
Common name: Horsetail
Scientific name: Equisetum spp.
Status: State Alert. Notify Landscape Board immediately if found. Declared: must be destroyed, banned from sale
Common name: Hudson pear (white-spined)
Scientific name: Cylindropuntia pallida (syn. C. rosea)
Status: Declared: must be controlled, banned from sale.
Common name: Innocent weed
Scientific name: Cenchrus incertus and longispinus
Status: Declared
Common name: Lincoln weed
Scientific name: Diplotaxis tenuifolia
Status: Declared
Common name: Mexican feathergrass
Scientific name: Nassella tenuissima
Status: Declared
Common name: Noogoora burr
Scientific name: Xanthium strumarium
Status: Declared
Common name: Olive
Scientific name: Olea europaea
Status: Declared
Common name: Pampas grass
Scientific name: Cortaderia spp.
Status: Declared: notify Landscape Board immediately if found. Must be controlled, banned from sale.
Common name: Prickly pear and Wheel cactus
Scientific name: Opuntia sp.
Status: Weed of national significance
Common name: Sagittaria
Scientific name: Sagittaria platyphylla
Status: Regional Alert. Notify Landscape Board immediately if found. Declared: must be destroyed, banned from sale.
Common name: Salvation jane
Scientific name: Echium plantagineumStatus: Declared: must be controlled, banned from sale.
Common name: Serrated tussock
Scientific name: Nassella trichotoma
Status: Declared: notify Landscape Board immediately if found, must be destroyed, banned from sale.
Common name: Silverleaf nightshade
Scientific name: Solanum elaegnifolium
Status: Weed of national significance
Silverleaf Nightshade Webinar
Common name: Skeleton weed
Scientific name: Chondrilla juncea
Status: Declared
Common name: Spiny rush
Scientific name: Juncus acutus
Status: Declared: must be controlled, banned from sale
Common name: Texas needlegrass
Scientific name: Nassella leucotricha
Status: Declared: notify Landscape Board immediately if found, must be destroyed, banned from sale
Common name: White weeping broom
Scientific name: Ratama raetam
Status: Declared Plant
Common name: Wild artichoke
Scientific name: Cynara cardunculus
Status: Declared
Common name: Wild rose, Dog rose, and Sweet briar rose
Scientific name: Rosa canina and R. rubiginosa
Status: Declared: must be controlled, banned from sale
Common name: Yellow burrweed
Scientific name: Amsinckia intermedia
Status: Priority pest plant