Priority birds in the Northern and Yorke region
Name: Australian bustard
Scientific name: Ardeotis australis
Regional status: Not listed
Name: Bush stone-curlew
Scientific name: Burhinus grallarius
Regional status: Vulnerable
Name: Eastern curlew
Scientific name: Numenius madagascariensis
Regional status: Not listed
Name: Eastern osprey
Scientific name: Pandion haliaetus
Regional status: Endangered
Name: Grey falcon
Scientific name: Falco hypoleucos
Regional status: Endangered
Name: Hooded plover
Scientific name: Thinornis rubricollis
Regional status: Vulnerable
Related links:
Photo credit: Dean Ingwersen
Name: Malleefowl (Nganamara)
Scientific name: Leipoa ocellata
Regional status: Vulnerable
Name: Plains wanderer
Scientific name: Pedionomus torquatus
Regional status: Vulnerable
Name: Western whipbird
Scientific name: Psophodes nigrogularis leucogaster
Regional status: Vulnerable
Name: White-bellied sea eagle
Scientific name: Haliaeetus leucogaster
Regional status: Not listed