Djulda-wawa Badja
A project to strengthen and protect Yorke Peninsula’s coast and improve biodiversity through practical on-ground action
The Yorke Peninsula coastline supports diverse and unique ecosystems and is home to many plants and animals that are threatened and declining within the Northern and Yorke region or in other parts of Australia. Its gulfs and sheltered bays are critical environments for South Australia’s marine diversity, and are globally significant for the conservation of migratory shorebirds which visit from the northern hemisphere via the East Asia Flyway.
Yorke Peninsula is also renowned for its fishing, surfing, camping, bushwalking and family-friendly holidays. In 2019-2020, tourism contributed $328 million to the local economy and supported more than 2000 jobs.
Building the resilience of this coastline is critical to ensure the natural environment can withstand the pressures of a changing climate and the increasing popularity of the area’s coastal lifestyle.
Protecting the coast
Djulda-wawa Badja means 'resilient coast' in Narungga language and was chosen to honour the Yorke Peninsula’s Traditional Custodians, the Narungga people.
Together, the Djulda-wawa Badja project partners aim to enhance the resilience of Yorke Peninsula’s coastal ecosystems through:
- Coastal revegetation, protective fencing, interpretive signage and weed control
- Partnering with Yorke Peninsula Council to deliver priority actions from the YP Coastal Management Strategy
- Supporting community groups to deliver the Yorke Peninsula Eastern Osprey Recovery Program
- Supporting the Yorketown Bushfire Recovery effort to revegetate burnt areas
- Developing a Coastal Access Strategy to reduce visitor impacts and manage visitor access in sensitive coastal environments.
- Partnering with Yorke Peninsula Council to deliver campground improvements and dune restoration to make coastal camping more sustainable.
First Nations communities are key to the development and delivery of project activities with members of the Narungga Aboriginal community involved in project planning, oversight and delivery. The project will employ a Narungga project officer and First Nations contractors for on-ground environmental work.
Latest news
21 May 2024: Ospreys making a comeback on Yorke Peninsula
27 March 2024: Native plants rising to the challenge of coastal resilience
19 October 2023: African boxthorn blitz targets Tickera’s fragile coastline
20 July 2023: How people power is returning a spectacular raptor to Yorke Peninsula
22 May 2023: United planting push to strengthen Yorke Peninsula’s coastline
18 April 2023: Narungga ranger chosen for key coastal environment role
28 September 2022: Yorke Peninsula revegetation to build coastal resilience
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Bringing endangered ospreys back to Yorke Peninsula
Lead agency
Northern and Yorke Landscape Board
Funding partners
This project is funded through the Landscape Priorities Fund. It is funded from landscape levies collected by Green Adelaide in the Adelaide metropolitan area that are redistributed to South Australia's regional landscape boards. Other funding contributors include:
- Yorke Peninsula Council
- Barunga West Council
- Legatus