Adelaide Plains Water Allocation Plan

Adelaide Plains Water Allocation Plan

The Adelaide Plains Water Allocation Plan became operational on 1 July 2022. The Plan sets out the rules for the licensing, allocation and management of groundwater and wells within the area shown on the map below. This includes rules for managing water that is drained or discharged into aquifers, also known as managed aquifer recharge.

Implementation of the Plan is a joint responsibility between the Department for Environment and Water, Green Adelaide and the Northern and Yorke and Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Boards.

If you have any enquiries regarding your water licence, please contact a Water Licensing Officer on (08) 8463 6876 or via email at

If you would like further information or have any questions regarding the Adelaide Plains Water Allocation Plan please contact the Team Leader Water Allocation Planning on (08) 8463 3733 or via email at

Adelaide Plains Water Allocation Plan