How we track progress

Monitoring at local and regional scales helps us to establish:

  • a baseline understanding of the condition of our natural resources
  • whether the condition of natural resources is improving or declining and the context of these changes
  • whether our management activities are making a difference.

Information for monitoring is collated from a broad range of sources including:

Monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement programs in our region

Measuring and evaluating program outcomes and improving our knowledge and practice as a result are vital steps in the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board's programs and planning for the future.

Our monitoring programs:

  • contribute to state and nation-wide monitoring and evaluation programs and local natural resource management goals
  • help the Landscape Board meet its obligations to funding partners
  • ensure our programs and activities are consistent with sustainable management of the region's landscapes.

A monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement framework has been developed and outlines the context, process and tools needed for successful monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement (MERI) at all levels.