Systematic planning for sustainable water resources

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You’re invited to be part of an initiative to improve water source sustainability across the Northern and Yorke region.

The Northern and Yorke NRM Board is trialling Conservation Action Planning (CAP) for managing water resources.

Developed by The Nature Conservancy, this systematic and science-based framework is used successfully around the world to develop and implement large-scale management programs involving multiple organisations.

Caroline Schaefer, Presiding Member, Northern and Yorke NRM Board said, the CAP process is delivered by a trained facilitator and involves a series of workshops including participants with a good mix of expert knowledge and local pragmatism. We're looking for your contribution to help us develop the best plan possible.

The Northern and Yorke NRM Board has used CAP to plan and secure investment for biodiversity programs and is in the very early days of using this framework to plan for investment towards protecting the regions water and soil assets.

The extensive planning that has already been undertaken in soil and water management across the region will allow adaptation of current knowledge to the CAP framework, rather than starting from scratch.

“We’ll be able to make direct comparisons between priorities for each asset and develop fully integrated natural resource projects and programs in collaboration with state agencies, non-government organisations, community groups and local landholders,” said Ms Schaefer.

A Viable Water Resources CAP will be developed for water assets in the Northern and Yorke region which encompasses the Yorke Peninsula, southern Flinders Ranges and the mid North.

A one-day introductory workshop on Monday, 17 March will explain the CAP process, outline current projects across the region and review the available water asset information.

A two-day Regional Viable Water Resources CAP workshop will then be held from Monday, 28 to Tuesday, 29 April 2014. At this workshop a smaller group of participants will assess the condition of and key threats to the region’s water assets as well as establish goals, priority projects and actions for future investment.

CAP is delivered in Australia by Greening Australia.

Additional information about the CAP process can be found at

Introductory Workshop Details:

When: Monday 17th March 2014 between 10.00 am and 4.30 pmWhere: Barbara J Long Function Room, Clare Town Hall, Clare

RSVP: By Friday 14th March to Amy O’Shea Coulter by phone 08 8841 3406 or email amy.o’

A light lunch will be provided.

Viable Water Resources Workshop Details:

When: Monday 28th April – Tuesday 29th April 2014

Further information on time, location and venue will come to hand in the near future.

For enquiries please contact Amy - Amy O’Shea Coulter by phone 08 8841 3406 or email amy.o’

A light lunch will be provided.

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