Peterborough celebrates World Environment Day
Students from Peterborough Primary School, Saint Joseph’s Primary School and Yunta Rural School gathered recently to celebrate World Environment Day.
Natural Resources Northern and Yorke, in partnership with Peterborough Primary School, organised and facilitated an Environmental Education Day, inviting all surrounding primary schools to participate in the event.
Natural Resources Northern and Yorke Community Team Leader, Kate Pearce said the day provided a great opportunity for 140 students of Peterborough to be exposed to a variety of different environmental topics and learn in a fun and interactive atmosphere.
"Environmental Education Days are an excellent way to teach students about the diversity of the world around them," Ms Pearce said.
"The six presentations offered the students an opportunity to explore a range of topics, as well as participating in different sensory activities to learn about biodiversity and why is it important care for our environment.
"The students thoroughly enjoyed seeing, touching and learning about the wide range of animals in a unique experience that they are not often exposed to."
Presentations were delivered by guest speakers from Port Pirie Gem Club, Peterborough Community Garden, OPAL (Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle), Animals Anonymous and Natural Resources Northern and Yorke.
Activities included a Nature Play scavenger hunt, Scales and Tails, World Environment Day poster making, seedling propagation, Mighty Water Wonders and Rocks and Minerals.
The children spoke highly of the day, with feedback such as "Animals Anonymous was the best thing of the day. The possum was adorable, the snake felt weird to touch, and the goanna stood so still I really thought it was a statue!"
"I liked the animals the best. The squirrel glider jumped or glided off of my shoulder just like I was the tree, but the very best thing was the snake, it was so cute and when the keeper put it on the ground it slithered right up to me and went under my legs."
More than 100 countries celebrated the 42nd World Environment Day, which is an initiative of the United Nations that began to encourage worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment.
The Environmental Education Day at Peterborough was made possible by a Bite Size Grant from the Northern and Yorke NRM Board, along with facilitation of sessions by community groups and Natural Resources Northern and Yorke Community Rangers.
For further information about the NRM Education program, visit or phone the Natural Resources Centre in Clare on 8841 3444.