Get involved in protecting local threatened species
Natural Resources Northern and Yorke and BirdLife Australia are holding a series of workshops on Yorke Peninsula this month where participants can learn more about Australia’s most threatened beach-nesting bird, the hooded plover.
Natural Resources Northern and Yorke Community Ranger Janet Moore said the workshops would provide a great opportunity for anyone wanting to learn more about the birds’ unique behaviours, and how to become involved in ensuring their survival.
"Improving the conservation outlook for Yorke Peninsula’s hooded plovers is very challenging given that the birds nest in habitats so popular for human recreation," Ms Moore said.
"Hooded plovers are masters of camouflage, and were well adapted to life on the beach, up until about 100 years ago.
"Today, they are struggling to find undisturbed spaces on the beach to breed, their numbers are declining because their nesting failure rate is extremely high, and too few young are being added to the population to sustain it.
"Knowing if and when hooded plovers are breeding on our beaches is the first step to helping them, and ultimately saving the whole species."
The workshops will provide participants with the ability to interpret the quirky behaviours of the birds, and the threats they face.
Morning tea and lunch will be provided and participants will have the opportunity to join experts for a beach walk to see the birds in action.
Workshop details:
Hardwicke Bay Friday, 23 September, 9:30am–2:30pm Hardwicke Bay Community Centre, Progress Road
Port Rickaby Saturday, 24 September, 10:00am–3:00pm Port Rickaby Caravan Park, Waimana Court
Moonta Monday, 26 September, 10:30am–3:30pm Moonta Golf Club, Milne Terrace and Pt Hughes Road
If you are interested in attending a workshop, or would like further information, please contact Janet Moore on 0447 418 391 or
Follow the link below to download a flyer for the workshops