Discover the wetlands in your backyard
A Wetlands Discovery Day with free kid activities, food and educational talks will be held on Friday 24 February to continue celebrations for World Wetlands Day earlier this month.
Natural Resources Northern and Yorke Community Ranger Denni Russell said that the free family friendly event will provide an opportunity for the community to discover some of the interesting wildlife in their area and participate in citizen science activities.
“There will be a rotation of hands on activities presented by experts on three topics: macro invertebrates, frogs and wetland birds,” Ms Russell said.
“Investigating these three aspects of wetlands can be a good indicator of overall wetland health.”
Department of Environment Water and Natural Resources Senior Water Ecologist Douglas Green will cover macro invertebrates, volunteer Peter Langdon will present on wetland birds, while Regina Durbridge from the Goolwa to Wellington Local Action Planning Association will teach participants how to use the FrogSpotter app.
“There will be a range of activities for children, including colouring in, badge and origami animal making and a water bug ‘mini beasts’ game, as well as birdwatching and frog identification,” Ms Russell said.
“Port Pirie Regional Council will provide a free sausage sizzle for participants and planned improvements for Phoenix Park will be on display.”
Reg Dennis from the Mid North Science Hub said that the event is supported by an Inspiring South Australia grant on behalf of the Minister for Science and Information Economy.
“We are delighted to partner with the Port Pirie Regional Council and the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources to provide Citizen Science activities in celebration of World Wetlands Day,” Mr Dennis said.
The Wetlands Discovery Day will be held on Friday 24 February from 6pm to 8:30pm at Phoenix Park in the Wandearah Wetlands, Port Pirie.
The event is hosted by Natural Resources Northern and Yorke together with the Port Pirie Regional Council and Mid North Science Hub.
For more information visit or contact the Clare Natural Resources Centre on 8841 3444.
Inspiring South Australia is the state’s implementation of the national Inspiring Australia Strategy to strengthen our society’s engagement with the sciences. Further information is available at