Dam! Don’t forget your permit.

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Landholders planning to build a structure or carry out activities that may impact on water resources are reminded that before embarking on any work on their land that might be considered ‘water affecting’ they should first seek advice from Natural Resources Northern and Yorke (NRNY) staff.

NRNY Natural Resources Management Water Officer Stephen Quartermain said that over the last 12 months a number of suspected water affecting activities have been reported by members of the public and subsequently investigated.

“Water is a precious commodity and in a region like Northern and Yorke, it is really important that the resource is managed as effectively as possible, to ensure each user has access to the water they require, while also maintaining watercourse health,” Mr Quartermain said.

“Managing activities that may impact on water resources through a permit application process, is an effective way of achieving this goal."

Water Affecting Activities can range from installing contour banks and building dams, to work within or near a waterway, or any activity that may potentially alter the natural processes of water on a piece of land.

There is a risk that work being carried out may adversely affect the ecology of the area and the provision of water availability for other users, landholders and the surrounding environment.

Mr Quartermain said that some activities will require applying for a Water Affecting Activity Permit before work is carried out, while others are exempt.

“If you are unsure about whether the work you are planning to undertake will require a permit, it is recommended you consult with staff from Natural Resources Northern and Yorke, who will help you work through the process,” Mr Quartermain said.

“The potential fines for breaches of the Natural Resources Management Act (2004) can be high, so if you are in doubt, please check first.”

For more information regarding Water Affecting Activity Permits, visit www.landscape.sa.gov.au/ny/water or contact the Natural Resources Centre in Clare on 8841 3444.

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