Grassroots Grants offers $221,000 kitty for community enviro projects

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Media release about launch of 2021/22 Grassroots Grants program

Volunteers and community groups in the Northern and Yorke region are invited to apply for a Grassroots Grant to help bring sustainable land management and environmental projects on their wish list to life.

In this second round of the Grassroots Grants program, the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board is offering a funding pool of $221,000, an increase of nearly $50,000 from the last round.

Local community groups, not-for-profit organisations, progress associations, schools, sporting clubs and volunteers can now apply for grants between $1,000 and $10,000 (+GST) for projects that address the Board’s key priorities. These include pest plant and animal control, sustainable agriculture, water management, biodiversity and communities.

Minister for Environment and Water David Speirs said the Grassroots Grants program is aimed at local projects that contribute to improved management of the environment.

“The Marshall Liberal Government’s Landscape SA legislation is an historic reform of how we approach natural resources management in South Australia,” Minister Speirs said.

“It’s all about a back-to-basics approach and giving local communities a greater say in how we manage our natural environment.

“The Grassroots Grants could be used to kickstart a new project or build upon an existing one for activities such as weed treatment, pest or disease management, fencing, erosion management, revegetation and community education activities.”

Northern and Yorke Landscape Board Chair Caroline Schaefer encouraged volunteers and local groups to band together to create projects that deliver wide-reaching and enduring landscape benefits.

“Grassroots Grants are designed to help the community make a difference to our environment at the local level,” said Mrs Schaefer.

“We strongly encourage groups to work collaboratively and explore ways to share resources to maximise the benefits for our region’s natural environment.”

Coordinated weed management across neighbouring properties that deliver biodiversity or agriculture outcomes is an example of this collaborative approach. Other projects that are eligible include revegetation, fencing of native vegetation, watercourse restoration, community education, erosion control measures and pest animal management.

The Northern and Yorke Landscape Board’s first Grassroots Grants round offered last year provided 30 recipients with a shared funding pool of $172,673. One project contributed to repairing the biodiversity corridor west of Gawler. It was coordinated by the Gawler River Riparian Restoration group, with help from volunteers, landholders on both sides of the river and two councils.

Group coordinator Graham Brookman said the grant helped the revegetation of a particularly strategic area next to the Gawler Bypass Bridge. "It is extremely visible to the public and the aim is to show people how fantastic the river corridor can look when it is returned to indigenous plants. We already know that native creatures value this work through their increasing population and local people are using the public access areas more and more,” he said.

Other project examples from the first round included native bee BnB workshops in the Copper Coast, an initiative of the Australian Plant Society Northern Yorke Peninsula group and a Sustainable Ag Field Day organised by Laura Ag Bureau to help farmers make the most of technology to improve soil health.

Applicants can apply online for a 2021/22 Grassroots Grant via SmartyGrants between Friday, 30 April 2021 and 5pm, 11 June 2021. More information is available on our website or you can contact Community Engagement Officer Liz Ninnes on 0458 144 562 or via

Applicants are encouraged to discuss their project ideas with the Northern and Yorke Landscape Board before undertaking the application process.

Grassroots Grants are provided by the Board through Landscape Levy funding.

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