Annual Reporting
The annual report
The annual report is presented to Parliament to meet the statutory reporting requirements of Landscape South Australia Act and Landscape South Australia (General) Regulations 2020, and the requirements of Premier and Cabinet Circular PC013 Annual Reporting.
The 2023-24 Annual Report was tabled in parliament on February 5, 2025.
To obtain copies of previous annual reports, please email
Annual highlights report
Our annual highlights report captures some of the significant achievements that the landscape board and its partners have made during the 2023-2024 financial year. It provides a snapshot of the results of our activities and snippets about projects delivering on the landscape plan.
You can view the current Murraylands and Riverland Board annual highlights report below:
2023-24 Annual highlights report
More information
Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board
Unit 5-6, Level 1 Sturt Centre, 2 Sturt Reserve Road, Murray Bridge, SA, 5253
08 8532 9100