Frog monitoring
Frogs are an integral element within food webs in the Murraylands and Riverland region. They have what is called a dual life cycle, part of their life in the water (as tadpoles with gills) and their adult life out of the water (as frogs with lungs). This means they are susceptible to changes both in the water and on the land, and makes them a very useful indicator for how our landscape is fairing. As only the male frogs call and each species has a distinctive sound of their own, listening to their breeding calls is an easy, non-intrusive way to monitor frogs.
There are 12 frogs in the Murray Valley FrogWatch SA region including two species listed as threatened:
- the Southern bell frog (or growling grass frog) – Litoria ranformis, listed as nationally vulnerable under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
- Bibron’s toadlet – Pseudophryne bibroni, listed rare in South Australia under the National Parks and Wildlife Act.
The Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board programs monitor frogs of the Murray Valley, targeting managed wetlands, icon sites and environmental watering projects (see related links below). These activities provide wetland managers with invaluable information to review and adapt their management.
Learn more about the frogs in our region by watching the video below.
Learn about frogs in the Murray valley region
The FrogWatch SA Seasonal Census is a collaborative project between Green Adelaide and the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board to increase the community’s support and awareness of FrogWatch SA and the FrogSpotter app. Each season, citizen scientists will be invited to contribute frog recordings which will improve knowledge about frog distribution and behaviour. The Frogwatch SA Seasonal Census encourages all South Australians to play an important role in monitoring ecosystem health by recording frog calls during a dedicated week each season.
The seasonal census will be held in the first week of every season:
- Winter Census - 1-8 June
- Spring Census - 1-8 September
- Summer Census - 1-8 December
- Autumn Census - 1-8 March
You don’t have to be an expert to contribute to science! Anyone with a smart phone or computer can record frog calls via the FrogWatch SA smartphone app or website.
How can the community help?
FrogWatchSA, is a collaboration of state, local government and non-government organisations. FrogWatch SA aims to give us a more comprehensive understanding of how our frogs are tracking over time. It’s free, easy to use and is open to anyone.
The FrogSpotter mobile app and the FrogWatch SA website are the powerhouse behind FrogWatch SA. They are designed to make it easy and fun to learn about South Australia’s frogs and to collect essential knowledge about them. By taking part in frog surveys, you can help us better understand the condition of the environments frogs are dependent on in South Australia. All you need is your smart phone. Simply submit your frog call via the app and an expert will tell you what frogs are calling in your recording.
How can I get involved?
- Download the FrogSpotter app
- Submit your own recordings at wetlands, creeks, dams, ponds or any waterbody near you
- Feeling confident with your frog call ID? Become a FrogWatchSA identifier!
Watch the video below to learn more about how to become a FrogWatchSA identifier
Learn about how to become a FrogWatch SA identifier
More information
Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board
Unit 5-6, Level 1 Sturt Centre, 2 Sturt Reserve Road, Murray Bridge SA 5253
08 8532 9100