Community fungi monitoring
Have you ever wondered about the weird and wonderful fungi in your local bushland?
Join the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board and FungiMap to learn more about native fungi and the critical roles they play in nature. FungiMap is Australia’s not for profit citizen science organisation dedicated to conservation and knowledge of Australian fungi.
How can the community help?
Identification of fungi species can be overwhelming – even for experts!
To help, we have developed a citizen science instruction booklet and identification chart on how to identify ten target fungi species for the Murraylands and Riverland region. By targeting our efforts on these ten species, we can all contribute to gaining a better picture of how they are faring over time through our region.
Community participants can send their fungi photographs to FungiMap to have them identified – and to help protect them by contributing to the national database on fungi in Australia. All data will be shared publicly through the Atlas of Living Australia website.
Who can participate
The fungi monitoring program is for community members who are interested in recording their observations to learn more about fungi and contribute to their conservation. We encourage everyone to participate – whether you are experienced in identifying fungi, keen to learn, or just love photographing those beautiful colours and textures and want to know what they are.
Why get involved
Intriguing splashes of colour appear in our gardens and bushland every autumn and winter, yet we know so little about them. What are their names, which plants and animals do they support, and which are endangered?
Our experts can help to identify them for you. Registered participants will have their records prioritised by FungiMap. Your records will contribute to a better understanding of fungi species and their population trends across the Murraylands and Riverland region.
How can I get involved
Email or call us for a copy of our "Find our fungi!" fungi identification and recording booklet and we will mail it out to you.
Submit records and photos of fungi to Fungimap. Upload your photos and information on the target fungi in our Find our fungi! book via the Fungimap website here
You can find tips on how to improve identification (details and photo features to include) on the FungiMap website, in our booklet and identification chart.
For information about fungi events and training opportunities in the Murraylands and Riverland region, contact our Citizen Science project officer on email.
Fungi videos
We’ve produced a series of YouTube videos to help you learn about the kingdom of fungi, target fungi species in our region, how to go on a fungi walk and log your fungi sightings on iNaturalist.
The kingdom of fungi
Target species in our region
How to go on a fungi walk
How to log your fungi sightings on iNaturalist
More information
Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board
Unit 5-6, Level 1 Sturt Centre, 2 Sturt Reserve Road, Murray Bridge, SA, 5253
08 8532 9100